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Thread: Neutral Portuguese

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Default Neutral Portuguese

    I was requested a translation into Neutral Portuguese. I had never head about this variation before. Does anyone know distinctive features of neutral PT?

  2. #2
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    Post Re: Neutral Portuguese

    Hi Andreap! / Olá andreap!

    I think it could mean without any slang... Otherwise, I don't know. / Penso que poderia significar sem nenhuma gíria... Caso contrário não sei.

    Most common are European Portuguese (from Portugal), Brazilian Portuguese and African Portuguese (Angola, Cape Verde, etc.) mixed with localism from the tribes. / Os mais comuns são Português Europeu (de Portugal), Português Brasileiro e Português Africano (Angola, Cape Verde, etc.) misturado com dialeto das tribos.

    It's also spoken in Macao. / Também é falado em Macau.

    Hope this could be of help. / Espero que possa ter ajudado.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Neutral Portuguese

    The two main variants of the Portuguese language are Brazilian and Portuguese.
    A neutral variant would be understandable by both.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Neutral Portuguese

    So, what translators should do is use a localism free Portuguese?
    Thank you both for your help!

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Neutral Portuguese

    Sorry, andreap. There is no neutral Portuguese between Brazil and Portugal. Both variants are very different (especially for writing). Since 2009 both countries (including other Portuguese-speaking countries) have signed an agreement (Novo Acordo Ortográfico) trying to unify it, but it's still quite different.
    Hope it helps.

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