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Thread: brazilian portuguese dialogue

  1. #1
    KRS is offline
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    Default brazilian portuguese dialogue

    Hi. In the following scenarios, do the phrases sound unnatural? Please offer suggestions and alternatives. Obrigada

    * A genuinely nice guy is asked to do a simple favor. He agrees without question. "Sim, como voce quiser."

    * A guy sees 2 friends who immediately stop talking when he approaches. He thinks something might be bothering them. "E ai, tudo bem?" he asks. One of them says, "Tudo joia."

    * A guy wants to get a friend's attention by saying "Hey (name)". What's the equivalent of that?

    * A guy wants to stop a friend from entering an argument with others. He says, "Leave it alone" or "Let it go".

    * What does "deixa pra la" mean? Any example of when someone might use that?


  2. #2
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    Default Re: brazilian portuguese dialogue

    Hi, KRS. These seem more natural to me.
    * Tá bom (or simply: ok!)
    * Tudo certo? or Algum problema? (or very informal: que tá pegando?)
    * E aí, cara
    * The fourth and fifth ones are related: Let it go means 'Deixa pra lá'.

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