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Thread: brazilian portuguese dialogue

  1. #1
    KRS is offline
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    Default brazilian portuguese dialogue

    Hi. In the following scenarios, do the phrases sound unnatural? Please offer suggestions and alternatives. Obrigada

    * A genuinely nice guy is asked to do a simple favor. He agrees without question. "Sim, como voce quiser."

    * A guy sees 2 girlfriends who immediately stop talking when he approaches. He thinks something might be bothering them. "E ai, tudo bem?" he asks. The girl says, "Tudo joia."

    * A guy wants to get a friend's attention by saying "Hey (name)". What the equivalent of that?

    * A guy wants to stop a friend from entering an argument with others. He says, "Leave it alone" or "Let it go".

    * What does "deixa pra la" mean? Any example of when someone might use that?


  2. #2
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    Post Re: brazilian portuguese dialogue

    Olá KRS! / Hi KRS!
    A genuinely nice guy is asked to do a simple favor. He agrees without question. "*Sim*, como voce quiser."
    Em geral no Brasil, o pessoal responde com o mesmo verbo no qual é feita a pergunta. Então se alguém pede para fazer um favor, a resposta seria "Faço". Mas também não é errado o que você escreveu. / Usually in Brazil, people replies with the same verb that was used in the question. So if someone asks doing a favor, the reply would be "Faço". But also isn't wrong what you wrote.
    A guy wants to get a friend's attention by saying "Hey (name)". What the equivalent of that?
    Em geral acho que pode ser "Ei (nome)" mas em algumas regiões pode mudar, em São Paulo poderia ser também "Uei (nome)". / In general I think it could be "Ei (name)" but in some regions could change, at Sao Paulo could be "Eei (name)" as well.

    A guy wants to stop a friend from entering an argument with others. He says, "Leave it alone" or "Let it go"
    Acho que seria "Deixa em paz" ou "Deixa pra lá". / I think it would be "Deixa em paz" or "Deixa pra lá"
    What does "deixa pra la" mean? Any example of when someone might use that?
    Em geral a gente fala isso para alguém esquecer de um problema, ou alguma situação chata que pode se resolver depois tendo paciência. / Generally we say that to make someone forget about some problem, or some upsetting situation that can resolve later with patience.

    Espero que tenha ajudado. / Hope this could help you.

  3. #3
    KRS is offline
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    Default Re: brazilian portuguese dialogue

    muito obrigada Laurinha

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