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Thread: what does ousadia mean?

  1. #1
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    Default what does ousadia mean?

    i made a stupid mistake. i was going to say "darling" to someone, but i misspelled and worte "daring" instead darling. of course, the internet dictionary provided this "ousadia" and i thought it was darling and i used it.

    later i didn't get any message back then i figured out i made a stupid mistake. so i really want to know what "ousadia" actuall meaning is.

    I hope i didn't insult him!!!

  2. #2
    Contributing User Faraó's Avatar
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    Default Re: what does ousadia mean?

    Quote Originally Posted by monamono
    i made a stupid mistake. i was going to say "darling" to someone, but i misspelled and worte "daring" instead darling. of course, the internet dictionary provided this "ousadia" and i thought it was darling and i used it.

    later i didn't get any message back then i figured out i made a stupid mistake. so i really want to know what "ousadia" actuall meaning is.

    I hope i didn't insult him!!!
    "Ousadia" is exactly "daring", the meaning that you've found in the internet dictionary. It can be also bravery, audacity, nerve...

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