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Thread: English to Portuguese Translation (not brasilian)

  1. #1
    New Member metalging's Avatar
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    Red face English to Portuguese Translation (not brasilian)

    I would appreciate some help translating a few phrases from English to Portuguese. My grandmother is from Madeira, Portugal. She has since passed away. My mother was told not to speak Portuguese growing up in california in the 60's/70's. So mom can't help me. I want to get a tattoo in honor of my grandmother Mary. Some quotes she use to say to us that she learned from her childhood in Madeira. I'm trying to decided what I should get. Can anyone help me?

    I would be very appreciative! Thanks so much!

    An innocent heart suspects no guile (deviousness, slyness)

    Fair and softly goes far in a day

    Change yourself, and fortune will change with you

    or simply

    I love you grandma, you will always be in my heart.

    Ok, I'm crying now...lol


    Ok, I see that I've had a few reads but no one so far has been able to help me. Am I in the wrong forum?
    Last edited by metalging; 06-11-2008 at 10:55 AM.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: English to Portuguese Translation (not brasilian)

    Maybe this can help:

    An innocent heart suspects no guile (deviousness, slyness)
    Os cândidos confiam sempre (this is a free translation: we don't have that proverb)

    Fair and softly goes far in a day
    - Devagar se vai ao longe (Portuguese saying)

    Change yourself, and fortune will change with you
    - Transforma-te a ti mesmo e o destino transformar-te-á.

    I love you grandma, you will always be in my heart.
    - Amo-te Avó. Estarás sempre no meu coração.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: English to Portuguese Translation (not brasilian)

    I am writing a poem for someone special (!!) and he is from Portugal. I am trying to learn Portuguese, but it is a slow process to learn beyond word-by-word translation. Can anyone help me translate this into Portuguese please?

    Crashing on desolate shores
    An ocean wave, turbulent and furious
    Chaotic but perfectly arranged with a unified movement
    Cold at the depths, yet holding warmth in constant rhythms

    A slant ray hits its surface to be reflected back
    Intensifying energy, embodied energy

    The dusty brown shores are carried away
    Into the pull of the mouth of this blue beast
    Until the land stops fighting the pull
    Releasing itself with joy into the chaotic unknown

    These words are unwelcome
    They wash out to sea as I write only to be returned
    As white froth on top of a wave
    Never to stay, never to reach

    The words return to me
    With elation and despair
    The message in the bottle I have sent has reached someone
    My words have finally reached me

    My words are soaked wet, blue
    Like the brown shores
    I release myself to welcome the sea
    That my despair may be drowned in its joy, my joy.

  4. #4
    Senior Member mariacecilia's Avatar
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    Default Re: English to Portuguese Translation (not brasilian)

    Maybe you can give it a try...? And then, somebody else might help you?

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