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Thread: Meus Arquivos, etc. Need some feedback/ double-checking :)

  1. #1
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    Default Meus Arquivos, etc. Need some feedback/ double-checking :)

    Hi everyone,
    I'm doing some basic translations for work and want to make sure what I have is correct. I don't speak a lick of Portuguese, so these are best guesses from a Po Edit file I have.

    1. Esse telefonema é sobre a avaliação da performance de ____ (localizada em Meus Arquivos) e seu plano de desenvolvimento.

    ^Is this grammatically correct, or do I need to add "Os" in the front of Meus Arquivos...? It's tab with documents.

    2. Você pode salvar e-mails inacabados como rascunhos e finalizá-los mais tarde. Experimente! Responda a este e-mail digitando "Meu primeiro dia no (blank) é ..." e salve-o. Então termine o email e envie para mim.You can save unfinished emails as drafts and finish them later.

    English version: Try it out! Reply to this email by typing “My first day at (blank) is …” and save it. Then finish the email and send it to me.

    3. Lembre-se de atualizar sua conexão para a chamada pressionando "Ctrl + F5" (Windows) ou "Command + R" (Mac).

    English version: Remember to refresh your connection for the call by pressing "Ctrl + F5" (Windows) or "Command + R" (Mac).

    Thanks everybody!

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Meus Arquivos, etc. Need some feedback/ double-checking :)

    Hey, WyldWolf!

    What you are asking for is edition. This term does not mean that the translator or translation agency you may get in touch with will provide a translation from scratch. The translator or translation agency will only provide edition. What is edition? Good question!

    Los procesos de edición y revisión

    I quote the key info in this post for you:

    ...el proceso de edición incluye la revisión de los documentos traducidos para corregir errores de significado, precisión, estilo, puntuación, posibles problemas culturales, coherencia terminológica, gramática y comprensión, todo esto mientras se lee el documento fuente y se lo compara con la traducción...

    And this is the same info in English:

    The Editing and Proofreading Process

    ...the editing process includes a review of translated documents for mistranslations, accuracy, style, punctuation, potential cultural problems, consistency, grammar, and readability, all while constantly looking at the source document, and comparing it to the translation...

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