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Thread: prova de amizade e aguentar amigo apaixonado

  1. #1
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    Default prova de amizade e aguentar amigo apaixonado

    Prova De Amizade E Aguentar Amigo Apaixonado

    This exactly how it was written in picture I saw it in. Underneath the picture, caption "Prova maior"

    Any idea the meaning?

    Thank you so kindly!

  2. #2
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    Default Re: prova de amizade e aguentar amigo apaixonado

    This is me guessing since I don't know how to speak portuguese, "Proof of friendship and to give love to a friend" and the caption would be "Major proof".

    Hope this help!

  3. #3
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    Default Re: prova de amizade e aguentar amigo apaixonado

    prova de amizade e dar amor a um amigo

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