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Thread: Beer pouring presentation

  1. #1
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    Default Beer pouring presentation

    Hello. Can anyone be so kind as to check the spelling and grammer of the following statements. These statements have been translated from english to (europen) Portuguese.
    Thanks in advance.

    Não polir copos de cerveja
    Do not polish beer glasses.

    Copos de cerveja (beer make) deve ser limpo em uma máquina de lavar de vidro usado apenas para copos de cerveja.
    (beer make) beer glasses should only be cleaned in a glass washer used only for beer glasses.

    (beer make) não deve ser colocada em um vidro quente
    (beer make) should not be poured into a warm glass.

    Copos (beer make) sem logotipo ou rachado / quebrado, deve ser descartado.
    (beer make)glasses without logo or cracked/broken should be discarded.

  2. #2
    Moderator reminder's Avatar
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    Smile Re: Beer pouring presentation

    Hey, Ryan02610!

    What you are asking for is edition. This term does not mean that the translator or translation agency you may get in touch with will provide a translation from scratch. The translator or translation agency will only provide edition. What is edition? Good question!

    Los procesos de edición y revisión

    I quote the key info in this post for you:

    ...el proceso de edición incluye la revisión de los documentos traducidos para corregir errores de significado, precisión, estilo, puntuación, posibles problemas culturales, coherencia terminológica, gramática y comprensión, todo esto mientras se lee el documento fuente y se lo compara con la traducción...

    And this is the same info in English:

    The Editing and Proofreading Process

    ...the editing process includes a review of translated documents for mistranslations, accuracy, style, punctuation, potential cultural problems, consistency, grammar, and readability, all while constantly looking at the source document, and comparing it to the translation...

    Last edited by reminder; 05-14-2018 at 10:58 AM.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Default Re: Beer pouring presentation

    Hi ryan!

    I don't speak much Portuguese so I won't be able to give you a full editing of these sentences but I can spot some issues (Portuguese and Spanish grammars are similar):

    "Copos (beer make) sem logotipo ou rachado / quebrado, deve ser descartado." Careful here on the adjectives, they have to agree in number with the noun they modify: Copos is plural so rachado / quebrado have to be pluralized too: rachados / quebrados.

    "máquina de lavar de vidro" I'm not sure this is the correct translation. You're saying it's a washer made of glass instead of a washer for glass only.

    I'd go for reminder's advise and go to professionals for a quote.

    Good luck!

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