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Thread: partake in the daily rituals of life.

  1. #1
    Forum User
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    Exclamation partake in the daily rituals of life.

    Hola, necesito su ayuda, gracias.

    If you’ve ever run into a boss at the gym or a subordinate at a nightclub, you know how unnerving it can be to have a co-worker watch as you partake in the daily rituals of life. In Iraq, you can’t help but notice how often colleagues talk to their spouses and lovers, and what tones of voice they use when they do.

    Si alguna vez te has encontrado a uno de tus jefes, en el gimnasio, o a un subordinado en una discoteca, sabes cuán desconcertante puede ser el tener la mirada de un compañero de trabajo mientras te sumerges en los rituales diarios que la vida conlleva. En Irak, no puedes evitar darte cuenta de cuan a menudo los colegas hablan con sus esposas y seres queridos, y qué tonos de voz utilizan cuando lo hacen.

  2. #2
    Contributing User Faraó's Avatar
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    Default Re: partake in the daily rituals of life.

    My suggestion would be "compartes la rotina diaria de la vida", but wait for a better translation from native speakers. I understand "rituales diarios" as a "daily routine".

  3. #3
    Contributing User Faraó's Avatar
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    Default Re: partake in the daily rituals of life.

    Sorry... "rutina" with an "u"

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