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Thread: Marketing advice for new translations marketplace

  1. #1
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    Default Marketing advice for new translations marketplace


    My name is George and I'm a partner in Translix.com.

    I've recently started Translix as a marketplace for translators and clients.

    Now that we've built we're wondering what the best way of marketing the website would be.

    Please note that my experience is not in translation services, it's in building e-commerce websites that do something "better" (in our opinion) from what normally happens.

    What Translix does better is that it allows no room for bad or late payers, because we are a marketplace where translators can post bids for a job, but the clients have to pay for a job when they select the winning bid.

    The money is of course held in escrow.

    At the moment, the website is running at the moment without collecting any commissions for bringing together clients and translators (or agencies), although we cannot stop Paypal for making their part of the share.

    Clients and translators can refer new users to us and once we reach critical mass, we will start taking a small percentage from each closed deal after it's completed.

    That's when we will also pay users that have referred business to us (have invited clients / translators) by paying them a fair fee for each closed deal that their referal brought us.

    Apart from the obvious (which is: Register and Invite users to get commissions), I would like your expertise as to what the best way would be to attract higher value users to this new marketplace.

    Where would you start?

    Kind regards

    George Anagnostopoulos

  2. #2
    Senior Member Julio Jaubert's Avatar
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    Default Re: Marketing advice for new translations marketplace

    Hi George

    My experience in bidding is that clients almost all the time are looking for the cheapest translator. That means the client is a bad payer.

    It would be great if you can create an unique option like "search a translator". Then, the client would look for the specialist or the translator he/she considers the best one. If the client are looking for the best professional, it means he/she are willing to pay for a good service.


  3. #3
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    Default Re: Marketing advice for new translations marketplace

    Thank you for your input Julio.

    I understand what you mean, however this much like eBay. Translators are getting scored when they complete projects and these scores are visible to new clients.

    So, in the end everyone gets what they're looking for, no?

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Marketing advice for new translations marketplace

    Will you share with me examples of your previous work, and provide detailed information about your recommendations and the reasoning behind them?

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