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Thread: Foul language, swear words, should we translate this or simply refuse?

  1. #11
    Senior Member Nadia D's Avatar
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    I also agree with hugocar...

  2. #12
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hugocar
    Exxcéntrica, I think one should evaluate the reason for the use of foul language. If the intention is offensive, it should not be allowed. If it is only a means of stressing an idea, I can accept it.
    However, I understand that the post is about TRANSLATING foul language, and not about using it in the forum.
    No, no, hugo, not about using it as an offensive means of communicating. But translation issues.

    I think though, that many people simply joke with these issues, they post offensive language just for fun. I don't know, sometimes it is difficult to distinguish from a serious post.

  3. #13
    Senior Member mem286's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by exxcéntrica
    I think though, that many people simply joke with these issues, they post offensive language just for fun. I don't know, sometimes it is difficult to distinguish from a serious post.
    That's right... but to tell you the truth first think I did when I had an Internet connection was to search those "taboo" words I would never find in a book... I also asked my Australian friend how to say this and that. Not everybody has the chance to live in an English-speaking country (in my case). Once I heard the story of a poor inmigrant, in the States whose co-workers called him "names" for over a month. As his English was just right he knew much later about those insults... well... that's just an example. But it happens...

    I think we all here agree... anyway if there is a possibility to flag this messages, I think it would help us to make this site better (that's what we all want)... and if you think you might feel offended, you simply don't open that thread...

    What do YOU think IUS? Is it possible?

  4. #14
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    I'm not sure it would be possible to flag every thread that might contain an "offensive" word. They can appear in the middle of a thread during a discussion of slang and as Exx has said they can be completely acceptable in some countries.

    Is it worth the trouble? To quote Exx again, this is not a scouts forum. We are adults engaged in work and learning. Should we really have to concern ourselves about the possibilty that a sensitive individual might inadvertently see a "bad" word?

    It would seem to me that the best solution is to simply let each individual decide whether they want to remain in a thread after they have seen something that offends them rather than trying to "protect" them from the real world and warn them in advance.
    Last edited by vicente; 05-11-2008 at 02:34 PM.

  5. #15
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Hmmmm, interesting point of view , too, vicente, amigo mío.

    Over here, the real word is definitely full of swear words, as I said before.

    On the other hand, this flagging system, it should have to be done by the mods, I suppose, or by the poster him/herself? I don't know how this cold work, as the mods are not always available and the poster him/herself might think, hey, if I flag this thread, less people will come over. Also, how would he know, if he doesn't understand the word?

    I would go with the flagging..if it could be done easily. But , now that I think about it, it doesn't seem easy.

    On other forums, offensive language, for translation issues, are normally (not always) allowed, not for insulting other members, of course.

  6. #16
    Senior Member mem286's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vicente
    Is it worth the trouble? To quote Exx again, this is not a scouts forum. We are adults engaged in work and learning. Should we really have to concern ourselves about the possibilty that a sensitive individual might inadvertently see a "bad" word?
    Interesting indeed... so much trouble for just one opinion...

    Or is there anybody else who thinks like kellymellars?
    Last edited by mem286; 05-13-2008 at 05:15 PM.

  7. #17
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    Well, that's really the question, isn't it? How many members do we have who object to seeing words that they consider offensive and who cannot avoid looking at them. And how many of them want to censor a translation solely because it contains a word(s) that we didn't put there in the first place but are being asked to translate accurately.

  8. #18
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Interesting endeed... so much trouble for just one opinion...
    Hi mem,I don't think there is only one opinion in this direction. I have learned that not many people speak their mind on an open forum and prefer to keep a low profile.

    In the thread I mentioned before, leslie said this:
    sensitivity must be very fragile here
    As it appears, she "translated" the post and somebody hit the red button. Leslie is in the red, so to speak, only for answering a thread.
    I was censored, too, only for asking. Of course, might have been the same person all along, but I doubt that. .

    Quote Originally Posted by vicente
    How many members do we have who object to seeing words that they consider offensive and who cannot avoid looking at them.
    A good question, though we must also consider the prestige or consideration of the forum. Some forums seem to think they lose clients if the language gets too hoarse.

  9. #19
    Senior Member mem286's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by exxcéntrica
    A good question, though we must also consider the prestige or consideration of the forum. Some forums seem to think they lose clients if the language gets too hoarse.
    Ok... I get your point Exx.

    Quote Originally Posted by hugocar

    Exxcéntrica, I think one should evaluate the reason for the use of foul language. If the intention is offensive, it should not be allowed. If it is only a means of stressing an idea, I can accept it.
    However, I understand that the post is about TRANSLATING foul language, and not about using it in the forum.

    IUS, you agreed with this opinion. The question is: if one of us answer what some people consider obsene/dirty/taboo language in a thread which is meant to be a translation job, what can we do not to get red boxes from these "sensitive" people?

  10. #20
    Moderator SandraT's Avatar
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    I just came in!!! I think it's going to be difficult to flag the threads containing certain words. I believe we all as adults can choose either to translate or not translate those posts.
    I particularly read the request for help from the person asking to translate "cacho de cabrón" which to me was not an offensive word. (it was already translated, so I didn't mind posting again).
    When I read the second request I did think the person was translating a pornographic scene so, I chose not to translate. I think the second post was removed at the end.
    I Do NOT agree with the persons hitting the red buttons just because. BUT I also think that if someone is translating something that he/she may feel is offensive, they shouldn't post it here. If a person is given a certain translating job is because this person knows both languages ( I am not talking about some words and slang). And if they are translating a pornographic text, I do find it offensive that they come to a forum like this to ask for help.
    Not all the same translating a text with some four- letter- words as translating an actual pornographic scene. Now, if anybody chooses to translate, it is his/her own decision. We are all grown ups!!!
    Last edited by SandraT; 05-12-2008 at 02:24 PM.
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