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Thread: What do you know about the Kurdish dialects?

  1. #1
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    Default What do you know about the Kurdish dialects?


    I came across a translation project management jigsaw puzzle.
    Supposably, I have to translate a file in English, into Northern Kurdish (Kurmanji), but for people living in Northern Iraq.
    Is that possible?
    What do you know about the Kurdish dialects and scripts?


  2. #2
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    Default Re: What do you know about the Kurdish dialects?

    Apparently, the 3 main Kurdish dialects are : Kurmanji, Sorani and Behdini.
    In Southern Turkey, Northern Syrian-Iran-Iraq, and a little bit of Georgia and Armenia, Kurmanji is spoken.
    In Northern Iraq and Iran, Behdini is spoken.
    In Central Iraq and Iran, Sorani is spoken.
    As you can see, you can find 2 different dialects in the same area.

    Whereas Behdini and Sorani is mostly written using an Arabic script, the Kurmanji can be written in Latin script (Turkey, Goeria, Armenia...) or Arabic script (Iraq, Iran, Syria...)

    p.s: Due to the influence of the USSR, They can also be written using the cyrillic script.

    If you come across such project (for PMs) you have to make sure what script your target audience learned the language in.

    I told you it was a puzzle!

  3. #3
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    Default Re: What do you know about the Kurdish dialects?

    That was really intense! ((⇀‸↼))
    I'm still not sure whether I got it all...

    I had no idea about any of these dialects... it's kind of sad that you had to answer your own question! XD Better luck next time!

  4. #4
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    Default Re: What do you know about the Kurdish dialects?

    Hey nabylm,
    Do you know if Georgian and Armenian scripts can also be used?
    Due to refugee crisis, this language will be requested more frequently.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: What do you know about the Kurdish dialects?

    I haven't heard of any Kurdish dialect in Georgian and Armenian scripts. Both communities probably know one of the dialects mentioned above. Also, if there is to be one, it is probably a spoken dialect rather than written. What do you think?

  6. #6
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    Default Re: What do you know about the Kurdish dialects?

    I have been told that Kurmanji and Behdini were the same dialects, written in different script and that there would be a fourth dialect? Is that pure imagination or have you seen or heard something similar?

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