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Thread: How to QA files in XBench

  1. #11
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    Default Re: How to QA files in XBench

    Hi Marcos
    How you doing?
    Right, thatīs what checklists are meant for...
    For instance, if a particular client doesnīt want gerunds to be used, you can create a checklist to spot gerunds...And then, you can use that checklist as a template for another project, and then you can add more restrictions to that checklist.
    The time you invest in one checklist, you gain a lot of time or quality in many other projects

  2. #12
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    Default Re: How to QA files in XBench

    Great Ana. I'll put that into practice and share some screenshots I hope will help others too. Cheers. Marcos.

  3. #13
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    Default Re: How to QA files in XBench

    Hi team! I need your help with this matter. I need to perform a QA in Xbench but so far I've used it for en-es/es-en translations. Do you know if there are licenses to be paid or something like that so as to do the same in other languages? How does that work? Can it be used for asian languages as well without any issues? Thanks in advance for your help.

  4. #14
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    Default Re: How to QA files in XBench

    Hi there!

    Yes! you can QA other languages other than English and Spanish. Im not sure how many languages each licence covers... I should check that.
    Here you can see the languages I have loaded, with their corresponding dictionaries for the Spelling QA.

    I havenīt seen any of the Asian languages, not at least in the version I have, but I guess there should be included in recent versions... Anyone knows?
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  5. #15
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    Default Re: How to QA files in XBench

    Thanks as usual Ana!

    I'm really having some issues when working with asian languages and would be great if someone knows how to use Xbench for them. Cheers.

  6. #16
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    Default Re: How to QA files in XBench

    I often need to export the QA report in Excel. However, Xbench opens it automatically after the export. Do you know where is the option that prevents the Excel to open?

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