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Thread: Batman: The Dark Knight

  1. #1
    Senior Member Ezequiel's Avatar
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    Default Batman: The Dark Knight

    I saw Batman last friday and I really enjoyed it. Heath Ledger is the best Joker EVER, I still can't believe he died right after such a great performance without hearing people's applauses... =(

    The movie itself is great, I liked a lot. The only thing to complain for is that it feels a little longer than necessary, especially at the end...

    Has anyone else seen it?

  2. #2
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    I saw it this weekend too Ezequiel. I thought it was an amazing production, from all the special effects (I loved Batman's motorcycle!) to the performance of all actors/actresses. It did feel a little long but it was still great!

  3. #3
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    The movie is an instant classic. I really didn't notice how long it was. I am definitely going to go see it again.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Gabriel's Avatar
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    Long? It didn't feel that long to me... I was astonished with the way Chris Nolan keeps on dealing with the same moral struggle that has been puzzling him since Memento. The answer is always dark. (Remember Insomnia, for example). He almost doesn't seem to be an Englishman! (Nietzsche once said "Only an Englishman could believe in Happiness"). I guess the movie might have seemed a bit long because there are many characters with many moral issues which, actually, don't get solved, but are the engine that sets the whole work of the director in motion. It is a piece to watch more than once for sure.
    Now, about the movie per se: the character of the Joker raises issues regarding the origin of evil for which, I don't know you, but I still haven't found a solution: the Joker doesn't have a reason to be evil, he doesn't do the things he does because he's in a quest to obtain something for himself (actually, he burns the money he steals... I don't want to say to much to avoid spoiling it for those who haven't seen it yet). He doesn't even plan the things he does (he confesses that to Harvey all dressed in a funny nurse costume). He is the enunciation of chaos threatening to put an end to society as it is known today (and the idea of a reference to terrorism in this regard might not be off at all... but that is only one of the expressions of what he refers to).
    Now, the character of Harvey is, I believe, the expression of what the character of Henri Ducard was in the first movie: an extreme way of thinking. He is either extremely bad or extremely good. Batman's decision in the end still tries to elaborate on a morality based on a father figure absent in postmodernism... there is the moral issue at stake.
    Nolan is not speaking about a madman dressed as a bat. He questions our issues as a society today, even the very legality upon which society is built. We have left Burton's characters so far behind! (I'm not criticizing Burton's movies... I mean to say that his characters seemed puppies when compared to these ones).
    Some mention the movie as yet another example of second parts being better than first. I don't know... both movies are a continuum to me. What I can say is that it shares something with The Godfather part II: what is struggling are not people, but forces, ways of thinking one very same problem: on what are we supposed to base our morality now that our god is dead?

  5. #5
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    I haven´t seen it yet, but i heard it was better than Spiderman!! is it true? I loved Spiderman, so if this one is better then its worth seeing it

  6. #6
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    I am definitely going to go see it again. Excellent movie!!!!!

  7. #7
    Senior Member mem286's Avatar
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    The best Batman ever!!!!!

  8. #8
    Senior Member Ezequiel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spanish_guitar
    I haven´t seen it yet, but i heard it was better than Spiderman!! is it true? I loved Spiderman, so if this one is better then its worth seeing it
    Speaking of Marvel, I keep thinking that Iron Man is the best superhero movie EVER, but I guess this Batman and Spiderman 1 are pretty close =)

    And yes, it's worth seeing. Don't wait for the DVD, you'll regret it

  9. #9
    Senior Member Julio Jaubert's Avatar
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    I went to the cinema yesterday and I agrre with all the positive opinions about this movie.

    Yes, it's too long, but very interesting. The way the script manages the characters and the performance of the actors are superb, specially the Joker. In the movie he's really and completely insane with a touch of "humor", and that's the idea of Joker's personality.

    Sorry Jack, Heath is the best Joker.
    Last edited by Julio Jaubert; 08-06-2008 at 08:05 AM.

  10. #10
    Senior Member mvictoria's Avatar
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    I've heard about a guy in Brazil whose first name is Batman. Seriously.

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