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Thread: Movies...Premiere

  1. #1
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    Default Movies...Premiere

    Hi there!
    Can anyone recommend a film considering the best movies released these past weeks? I have seen parts of some of the latest films which were shown on a recent flight I've made abroad...I don't know if this is done on purpose, but the films though quite recent seemed to freeze at some point...Strange...

  2. #2
    Senior Member Veronica's Avatar
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    I think Juno is one of the best lately. I still have to see the Oscar nominees...
    I've seen the Lord-of-the-Rings-like movies that were realeased recently (Golden Compass, Terabithia, Stardust...) and they are NOT up to what's expected. The Golden Compass specially, what a bad movie!!! and it doesn't end!!
    The rest are not bad, but are for kids.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Julio Jaubert's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Veronica
    I think Juno is one of the best lately. I still have to see the Oscar nominees...
    I've seen the Lord-of-the-Rings-like movies that were realeased recently (Golden Compass, Terabithia, Stardust...) and they are NOT up to what's expected. The Golden Compass specially, what a bad movie!!! and it doesn't end!!
    The rest are not bad, but are for kids.
    Completely agree with Veronica, specially with The Golden Compass, a total deception.

    Yesterday I went to see Jumper. You can't expect some more than special effects, an a story not centered in the characters, nor in the story, but in the action. Anyway, if you don't have any better thing to do, you can spend a pair of bucks for 1:30 hours in this movie. (Note: the end is bad, it was done to introduce the possibility of a sequel, if this movie has enough succe$).

    But I'm talking about entertainment movies. I think there are some good movies like the one of Daniel Day Lewis, and of course, the ones that come from Europe or other countries. Could someone give us some tips?

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