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Thread: Football/Soccer Logic

  1. #1
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    Default Football/Soccer Logic

    Here some beautiful sentences from Football players.

    Lukas Podolski
    Fussball ist wie Schach, nur ohne Würfel. (Football is like chess, only without the dice.)

    Franz Beckenbauer
    - Es gibt nur eine Möglichkeit: Sieg, Niederlage oder Unentschieden. (There is only one possibility: victory, defeat or a draw.)

    Andy Brehme:

    - Wenn der Mann in Schwarz pfeift, kann der Schiedsrichter auch nichts mehr ändern. (When the man in black whistles, the referee can no longer change anything.)

    Otto Rehagel (Manager of the Greek national side)

    - Mal verliert man und mal gewinnen die anderen. (Sometimes you lose, sometimes the others win.)

    German sports journalist Heribert Fassbender

    - Es steht im Augenblick 1:1. Aber es hätte auch umgekehrt lauten können. (The score is currently 1:1. But it could also have been the other way around.)

    Heribert Fassbender
    - Jetzt stehen die Chancen 50:50 oder gar sogar 60:60. (The chances are currently 50:50 or even 60:60.)

    Please go ahead and share more of football logic.


  2. #2
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    Default Bill Shankly said...

    "Some people think that football is a matter of life and death. I assure you, it's much more serious than that."

  3. #3
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    Default ScottJ said...

    "There's dice in chess?!?!? No one ever told me. No wonder I'm so bad at it."

  4. #4
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    Freddy Ljungburg said:

    "I usually don't have ***. Not on the same day. I say "no, thanks". I guess that, mentally, I want to keep the feeling in my feet and that's why. I think the feeling sort of disappears out of your feet if you have *** before. I have tried before and my feet felt like concrete when you are supposed to kick the ball."

    I'm not sure he's doing it right.


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