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Thread: Spring Training!! (Baseball thread) (Aguante beisbol!!!)

  1. #1
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    Default Spring Training!! (Baseball thread) (Aguante beisbol!!!)

    Pitchers and cathcers have reported! I guess I'll be talking with my friends in the Caribbean, the States, and Central America in this post, but let's get some baseball talk going! I will start: I am a Cubs fan and I am entirely unimpressed by our lineup, though I still think we will repeat as division champions. I am scared by the Diamondbacks and Mets and Phillies...

  2. #2
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    By the way, if anyone from South America (south of Venezuela, of course) or Europe has beaten the odds and is interested in baseball, come join us!

  3. #3
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScottJ
    By the way, if anyone from South America (south of Venezuela, of course) or Europe has beaten the odds and is interested in baseball, come join us!
    Come on, scott! Get lost!! In Spain we love basketball. Oh, not the same? well......

  4. #4
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    Of course...when I think of sports in Spain, I think of basketball! The Gasol brothers, Juan Carlos Navarro, etc. There is no other sport in Spain, right?

    I'm just a lonely American trying to get people enthusiastic about the only sport that can give cricket a run for the money in the "boring" category. God bless it. And if anyone suggests curling as a "boring" sport, then they've never watched it. Well I watched it with Tivo and fast forwarded the boring stuff, so...

  5. #5
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    I heard that if baseball was any slower, it would be farming...

    Seriously though, I love it. Im so happy the Braves got Glavine back, he was the cornerstone of our old team and I hated when he was a Met. Scott, is Maddux still playing for the Cubs? Send him to Atlanta!

    I havent paid much attention to preseason predictions and whatnot, the whole Clemens/Bonds/Congress thing kind of put me off. But Ill assume the Yankees are spending more than anyone and that the Cubs will not win the series

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    We got rid of Maddux in 2006 by trading him to the Dodgers. He spent last year on the Padres and is still in their rotation, hypothetically as a teammate of "Mark Prior", whom I now believe to be a mythological creature.

    No, the Cubs will not win the World Series this year. Neither will the Braves, so...we can either suffer together or tear each other apart. I am equally skilled in both. I have no idea what "celebrating" feels like, though.

  7. #7
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    Maddux gets around, huh? I thought he was going back to Chicago to retire? Him and Prior could be good, except Prior will probably injure them both...

    I dont have much faith in the Braves. Their streak of however many division titles with 1 championship was quite discouraging. Scott, I suggest we focus our efforts on hating a team and celebrating their losses. Yankees? Red Sox? Mets? the American League?

  8. #8
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    GO SOX!!!!!!

  9. #9
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    You're killin me Emily. I don't know how to explain it, but the Red Sox are my least favorite team. It used to be the Yankees, but when the Sox beat them to get to the series, somehow they surpassed the Yankees to become my most hated. It makes no sense I know. Feel free to hate on the Braves, Chipper Jones, or the South in general.

  10. #10
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    For those of you interested, Smoltz beat Santana yesterday to help the Braves sweep the Mets in a two game series.

    Question- anywhere in Buenos Aires to watch MLB other than the Alamo?

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