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Thread: Feriado largo de octubre

  1. #1
    Ali is offline
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    Talking Feriado largo de octubre

    Hola a todos,

    Estoy pensando en viajar para algun lugar de Argentina en el feriado largo de octubre.
    Alguien tiene sugerencias de lugares cerca de Capital Federal que sean tranquilos y con mucha naturaleza?


  2. #2
    Senior Member mvictoria's Avatar
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    Hi Ali,

    SAN PEDRO is a very nice place, very quiet, lot's of nature, by the river and it's less than 2 hours away from downtown BA.

    If you're in the mood for a 4-hour ride, COLON, in Entre Rios is a lovely town. I fell in love with it when I went there. You have the "Termas" (piscinas de aguas termales), the river, places to visit, arts and crafts shops, etc.

    By the way, a little bit of trivia, San Pedro is the home of the annual Country Music Festival in all of South America, and this year will take place this weekend (yes! I'm going)

  3. #3
    Ali is offline
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    Hi Vicky!!!

    Thanks a lot!!!!!
    I will take a look at both cities on the internet and decide what I will do.
    Are you planning something?

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