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Thread: What Are the Differences Between Translation and Transcreation?

  1. #1
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    Default What Are the Differences Between Translation and Transcreation?

    If you did not know the difference between translation and transcreation, here you go:

    What Are the Differences Between Translation and Transcreation?

  2. #2
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    Default Re: What Are the Differences Between Translation and Transcreation?

    That's very interesting chris! Do you know if transcreation is offered at most translation agencies? I would assume it has a higher rate then translation no?

  3. #3
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    Default Re: What Are the Differences Between Translation and Transcreation?

    Quote Originally Posted by amayo View Post
    That's very interesting chris! Do you know if transcreation is offered at most translation agencies? I would assume it has a higher rate then translation no?
    I believe it is offered by most agencies, Amayo. And yes, costs are higher than just a regular translation.


  4. #4
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    Default Re: What Are the Differences Between Translation and Transcreation?

    That's good to know. I´m going to have to look into this.

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