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Thread: How to create a term base in Memsource

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
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    Default How to create a term base in Memsource

    This is a short guideline for editors to create a term base in Memsource (after enabling the option in Memsource):

    1. Highlight the term you want to add in the source language column.
    2. Press Ctrl+T and a two column chart will open at the bottom of Memsource Editor.
    3. In the source language column of the chart, the field "Source term" will appear filled with the term you have selected. You will need to complete the "target term" field. In addition, you will need to determine whether the term is a "fuzzy" or "exact" and whether you want the "case sensitive" option enabled. What's more you can prohibit the use of a certain term by checking the box "forbidden".
    4. Once you have completed all fields involved, press "Add" or Ctrl+Enter to add the term to the term base.

    Remember the terms you add will appear in yellow on the left side of the editor.

    Hope you find this useful!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
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    Default Re: How to create a term base in Memsource

    Sí, es muy útil y mucho más user friendly que Trados.

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