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Thread: Hola

  1. #1
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    Smile Hola

    I have just found this site and hope that someone can help me...
    I have a sponsored child in Honduras and I receive notes from her and her family....mostly I understand as I have been studying spanish for 15 years now, but at the bottom of the latest note that I have received, it says "Hasta pronto y que dios le bendiga" which I believe translates into....until later and god bless you....but when I have seen it elsewhere, it is spelled bendica...is it because hope is used (subjunctive) therefore, the spelling is different and could someone clarify the correct spelling for me....muchas gracias.....

  2. #2
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    Bienvenida...no entendi mucho tu pregunta... pero espero te sirva este link... creo que lo que quieres saber es cómo se deletrea el verbo bendecir en el subjuntivo, no?


  3. #3
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    Default que Dios le bendiga

    Hi, actually "bendica" is not subjunctive, the word must be spelled "bendiga" which really is subjunctive. It must have been a mistake in spelling. In Spanish we say "que Dios le/los bendiga". I hope this is useful.

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