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Thread: new from Mexico City

  1. #1
    New Member
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    Jul 2008
    Mexico City
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    Default new from Mexico City

    Hola todos,

    I am from the US but have been living in Mexico City for 2 and a half years. I came here as an English teacher and have the most experience in teaching (in various places). I have done mostly informal and some formal translation work. I enjoy it and would like to try to build a steady second income out of it. Any suggestions from people with more experience is welcome!

    I love traveling and meeting other travelers. If you are ever in Mexico City, drop me a line.


  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Jul 2008
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    Hola. Debe ser muy competente. Estoy solo al punto de aprender la diferencia entre como y que. Estoy pagando el aprendizaje aquí. Pero la vida será mucho mejor si todo el mundo de cualquier lado de la frontera aprende un poco de otro idioma.

    Hi. You must be very accomplished. I’m only at the point of learning the difference between como and que. I’m just having my initiation here. But life will be better if everybody on either side of the border learns a little of the other language.

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