Hello everybody!
I am really happy that I have discovered this site. I will be here as frequently as possible with lots of questions and opinions, and lots of interest in helping everybody as much as I humbly can.
Best Regards
Rosa Elena
Hello everybody!
I am really happy that I have discovered this site. I will be here as frequently as possible with lots of questions and opinions, and lots of interest in helping everybody as much as I humbly can.
Best Regards
Rosa Elena
Bienvenida Rosa Elena. En el foro hay algunos coterráneos tuyos. Espero podamos ayudarnos mutuamente.
Realmente, el destino del mundo depende, en primer lugar, de los estadistas y, en segundo lugar, de los intérpretes.
Trygve Halvdan Lie
Welcome to the forum Rosa Elena!
Hello Rosa Helena!
Me alegro que te guste el foro. Bienvenida!
Trabajas con traducciones, Rosa?
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