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Thread: Hello!

  1. #11
    Moderator eidjit's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hello!

    Quote Originally Posted by Will_S View Post
    Thank you! I speak English and Spanish (English native).
    What about hobbies and reading?

    What's your favorite book and/or author?

    Ya que estás en Buenos Aires, ¿Qué tal te parece Buenos Aires, te recibieron bien los porteños?

  2. #12
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    Default Re: Hello!

    Quote Originally Posted by eidjit View Post
    What about hobbies and reading?

    What's your favorite book and/or author?

    Ya que estás en Buenos Aires, ¿Qué tal te parece Buenos Aires, te recibieron bien los porteños?
    I used to skateboard, but it´s been a while now. I´m afraid I might be too old to throw myself down staircases anymore.

    I´d say my favorite author is Michael Chabon, and my favorite book would be his Yiddish Policeman´s Union. Or possibly The Gulag Archipelago by Solzhenitsyn. Orrr maybe The Soviet Tragedy by Martin Malia. I´ve read them all three or four times. (I used to be obsessed with Soviet history.)

    The porteños have been very welcoming and generous with their hospitality. Lovely people.

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