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Thread: Hi everybody

  1. #1
    New Member
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    Feb 2018
    Caracas, Venezuela
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    Default Hi everybody

    Hello everybody,
    My name's Lucius Daniel. I was born in the Caribbean island of St. Lucia, but I've lived in Caracas since 1982. I'm currently an Associate professor and the Director of the School of Modern Languages at Universidad Central de Venezuela. We have an undergraduate program in Translation and Interpreting there. Our students take two foreign languages from a combination of English, French, Italian, Portuguese and German, in that order of importance. I'm retiring next year (March, 2019) after 25 years of service to the University. I've been translating for more than 28 years from English to Spanish and vice versa. I prefer to translate general English, literature, and legal texts. However, I have tutored students in all sorts of fields: education, history, international law, literature, linguistic theory, applied linguistics, dentistry, medicine, etc. Thanks for accepting me in this forum.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
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    Default Re: Hi everybody

    Hi lgdaniel!

    Welcome to the forum!! That's quite a resume you've got there! XD
    I hope we can help you if you need us!

    Remember to visit the FAQ section

  3. #3
    New Member
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    Caracas, Venezuela
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    Default Re: Hi everybody

    Thanks once again.

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Default Re: Hi everybody

    Welcome, Lucius! Such an imperial name that reminds me of Roman emperors...

  5. #5
    Contributing User SophieC's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hi everybody

    Quote Originally Posted by lgdaniel View Post
    Hello everybody,
    My name's Lucius Daniel. I was born in the Caribbean island of St. Lucia, but I've lived in Caracas since 1982. I'm currently an Associate professor and the Director of the School of Modern Languages at Universidad Central de Venezuela. We have an undergraduate program in Translation and Interpreting there. Our students take two foreign languages from a combination of English, French, Italian, Portuguese and German, in that order of importance. I'm retiring next year (March, 2019) after 25 years of service to the University. I've been translating for more than 28 years from English to Spanish and vice versa. I prefer to translate general English, literature, and legal texts. However, I have tutored students in all sorts of fields: education, history, international law, literature, linguistic theory, applied linguistics, dentistry, medicine, etc. Thanks for accepting me in this forum.
    Hi Lucius Daniel.

    Welcome to the forum!!
    My name's Sofia, I'm studying English. Can I count on you?

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