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Thread: New Translator-Birth Certificate from Guatemala

  1. #1
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    Default New Translator-Birth Certificate from Guatemala

    Hi I'm new at translating and spotted your sight last night. It was so helpful to me just reading past threads. Thank you for this site.

    My problem is a form question on a birth certificate from Guatemala that asks for a "Confronto:" and then appears a persons name. This is just below the Civil Registrars name. Is this just a second witness of sorts? How do I translate it...?

  2. #2
    PIM is offline
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    Default Re: New Translator-Birth Certificate from Guatemala

    "Confronto" quiere decir cuando una persona compara documentos y da fe de que lo que consta en esos documentos esta bien.
    Avisame si necesitas algo mas

  3. #3
    PIM is offline
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    Default Re: New Translator-Birth Certificate from Guatemala

    Como complemento de mi post anterior

    I don't know the equivalent of confronto, but it means that an original document is before the person who compares a copy to its original, then he/she signs to swear to the genuity of the copy

    Ademas basicamente el termino hace referencia a alguien q da fe q la copia si corresponde al original y da fe de lo mismo

    Espero te haya quedado un poco mas claro. Saludos

  4. #4
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    Default Re: New Translator-Birth Certificate from Guatemala

    Muchas gracias. I think 'verified by' would be a good equivalent then. I appreciate your input.

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