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Thread: Hola! Hi! Ciao!

  1. #1
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    Default Hola! Hi! Ciao!

    Hi everyone! I'm an Italian student from the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan. My name is Francesca. I REALLY need your help. I'm so in trouble...
    I was working on a thesis in English Linguistics about service encounters with Latino people in the United States but I was sort of stuck in collecting materials and linguistic corpora for my study so I moved to the subject of ENGLISH/SPANISH CODE-SWITCHING IN AMERICA(due to the great amount of hispanic immigrants there)
    In particular I would be very grateful to those of you who could suggest me the tendencies and orientations this topic is acquiring in order to help me making a sort of index for my thesis.(which would be a 60 pages or so thesis)
    I would like to treat this topic in a modern way, from a linguistic point of view, but considering the daily life aspects of the phenomenon.
    If you had to write a thesis about code-switching how would you organize it? What your index would look like? (obviously just an idea)
    I thought I could ask for some advice to those of you who are bilinguals and/or live in a city where spanish is spoken. You can surely witness the code-swiching habit in your every-day life. Dont'you?
    Thanks for your attention.
    I look forward to receiving replies!
    Best regards,

  2. #2
    Contributing User
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    Buenos Aires
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    Default Re: Hola! Hi! Ciao!

    Hi, Francesca. I'm not sure what you're looking for. I'm from Argentina and I translate in the English-Spanish pair. Whatever you need, here I am!

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