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Thread: Looking for an online job

  1. #1
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    Default Looking for an online job

    Hi everyone, I'm interested in working from home because I happen to have plenty of spare time and I also need to work more. I've heard that in Argentina there are translators who work online for foreign companies. I've been told that they even have a fixed timetable during which they receive the texts to be translated and they are paid per hour. I would really like to learn more about this type of work. Can anyone share his or her experience on this? How can I contact those companies which would hire Argentine translators? How about payment arrangements? Any information you can give me will be greatly helpful.
    I hope to hear from you soon!

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Looking for an online job

    Hello Desdelapatagonia,

    As a matter of fact, translators in Argentina frequently use this "freelance modality" when it comes to work in translations. There are a lot agencies you can choose from (you just have to google "Translation Agencies" or "Agencias de traducción en Argentina", look for their contact e-mails and then offer your services as a translator. Normally, the agencies send you a test translation you have to make so they can correct it and verify your translating skills) This agencies may be found not only in Argentina but also worldwide. Normally, translators are not paid per hour; they are paid according to a specific rate. The payment arrangements are usually set beforehand between the translator and the agencies.

    Hope you found this information useful.


  3. #3
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    Default Re: Looking for an online job

    Hi Ricardor,
    Thanks very much for answering right ahead. Your reply has indeed been really useful to me. I think I'll give these agencies and websites a try so that I can finally get started with online translation as a freelancer. I would really like to gain some experience on it!

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