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Thread: hello im here to practice and make my spanish better.

  1. #1
    New Member
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    Default hello im here to practice and make my spanish better.

    buenas, quiero practicar mi espanol porque ahora es mas o menos. fuy a colombia asde ayer y ay veces cuando era dificil a tenir un conversacion con mis amigos y familia.

    i what to practice my spanish so i can improve it. i went to colombia and it was hard for me to maintain and keep a conversation going with family and friends. im guessing i need alot of practice. i have nothing but time on my hands, im going back to colombia in december and when i go back i want to be able to have a open convo with anyone.

    any ways on how i can start improving my spanish?

  2. #2
    Forum User Leslie M's Avatar
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    Default Re: hello im here to practice and make my spanish better.


    First of all let me welcome you to this forum. It would be interesting to know what your first language is. The way you express yourself
    in English is a bit confusing and I mean that in a constructive sense and by no means as an insult. I presume you are from Colombia.
    Let's start with your background in the language you do master and go from that starting point.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: hello im here to practice and make my spanish better.

    well i was born in colombia then moved to usa when i was 2 yrs old. my family talks to me in spanish but in school i talk in english.

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