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Thread: Really need help!!!

  1. #1
    Forum User
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    Question Really need help!!!

    i tried to translate using goole..........no use

    please help me...will be very thankful to you friends

    " leve ficcion,es irreal.un tanto inhumano,los segundos pasan,no los puedes parar, que piensas es un barranco.un trozo de papel,la vida, hacer cosas que son indebidas, te diste cuenta que en verdad nada te complace, quieres mas, mas retos, mas reglas para no cumplirlas esque simplemente eres asi, no ...cambiaras, mente... en blanco, eextasis, sueños, es que si tan solo pudiera describirlo, shock emocional. . ."

    thankyou very much in advance

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Really need help!!!

    Yeah. I can see why Google couldn't do it. Neither can I. Since it's not real easy to follow, a lot can hinge on the presence or absence of a single accent mark. There are typos, and I think something missing at the start. Maybe someone else can read between the lines.

    …pulp fiction, it is unreal, somewhat inhumane. The seconds pass, and you can’t stop them. The stuff you think is a precipice, a piece of paper, life, making things that are wrong. You realized that truly nothing pleases you. You want more, more goals, more rules, but not to actually follow them. It’s just that you are this way. No. You will change, I said. Blank, ecstasy, dreams, if only I could describe it, an emotional shock.

    That last part could possibly also be: You will change. My mind went blank … ecstasy …

    Mente is "mind", Menté is "I mentioned".
    Last edited by gernt; 07-28-2010 at 10:14 AM.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Really need help!!!

    thankyou very much sir!! cheers

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