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Thread: Verso con verso

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Default Verso con verso

    ¡Hola! Lo del verso con verso es llamativo ¿no? Ahí va la frase y mi traducción:

    Este pequeño códice está compuesto por cinco hojas de pergamino de 295 x 392 mm, dobladas cada una por la mitad y pegadas verso con verso para formar un libro .

    This small codex consists of five 295 x 392 mm parchment leaves , doubled by half and stuck obverse with reverse to form a book

  2. #2
    Contributing User gise1984's Avatar
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    Default Re: Verso con verso

    La traduccion correcta de obverse with reverse, si no me equivoco, es "anverso y/con reverso"


  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Bay Area, California, United States
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    Default Re: Verso con verso

    In bookbinding, a sheet of paper folded down the middle to form two pages is called a folio.

    I don't know about "verso con verso". Do you have any illustrations? Are the folios nested one into the other and secured through the spine edge, or are they separate folios glued together at the spine?

    This small codex consists of five 295 x 392 mm parchment folios nested to form a book.


    This small codex consists of five 295 x 392 mm parchment folios, stacked and glued at the spine to form a book.


    This small codex consists of five 295 x 392 mm sheets of parchment, each folded down the middle and...

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