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Thread: Es correcto el uso de ABOUT en este caso o tendría que usar otra preposición? Gracias

  1. #1
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    Default Es correcto el uso de ABOUT en este caso o tendría que usar otra preposición? Gracias

    Each society has a specific culture and language is considered to be part of that. For this reason we think that if translators have wide knowledge about a culture, it will be easier for them to translate its idioms.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Es correcto el uso de ABOUT en este caso o tendría que usar otra preposición? Gra

    Hi Carito,

    The about there sounds awfull. I would say it entirely different: "if translators are (intimately) familiar with a culture"

    Hope it helps

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Es correcto el uso de ABOUT en este caso o tendría que usar otra preposición? Gra

    Es mejor decir: "....wide knowledge OF a culture."

    Source: American English (self)

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Es correcto el uso de ABOUT en este caso o tendría que usar otra preposición? Gra

    I disagree. I think "about" in CARITOG86's sentence is fine. "Wide knowledge of..." just doesn't sound right to me. I would add a comma after culture.

    Each society has a specific culture, and language is considered to be a part of that. For this reason, we think that if translators have wide knowledge about a culture, it will be easier for them to translate its idioms.

    The comma after culture is important so that people don't take it as "culture and language"; the comma helps clarify that language is the subject of the following clause and not part of a compound object. It scans better.

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