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Thread: grammar

  1. #1
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    Default grammar

    Me dijeron que esta oración tenía muchísimos errores, ya lo leí un montón de veces y no me doy cuenta de cuales son: alguien me puede ayudar please!!!

    These authors made an interesting experiment as regards idioms transparency. First of all, they chose 20 idioms that were not frequently used at that time and which seemed to be transparent. In order to know how common they were, Keysar and Bly, gave a list of them to 109 students and asked them to range the idioms in a scale from one (the most unfamiliar) to seven (the most familiar). Then, they divided a group of people into two and encouraged one group to interpret what the phrase actually meant and the other one to believe the contrary.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: grammar

    These authors made an interesting experiment REGARDING idioms transparency.

    Keysar and Bly, PROVIDED 109 STUDENTS WITH A LIST and asked them to range the idioms in a scale from one

    in a scale STARTING AT ONE (the most unfamiliar) THROUGH seven (the most familiar)

    The last line, I dont really get what you meant.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: grammar

    These authors made an interesting experiment REGARDING THE TRANSPARENCY OF idioms. First of all, they chose 20 SEEMINGLY TRANSPARENT idioms that were not frequently used at that time. In order to know how common they were, Keysar and Bly gave a list of them to 109 students and asked them to ARRANGE the idioms in a scale from one (the most unfamiliar) to seven (the most familiar). Then, they divided a group of people into two and encouraged one group to interpret what the phrase actually meant and the other one to believe the contrary.

    Source: American English (self)

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