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Thread: Need some help please

  1. #1
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    Default Need some help please

    gracias una vez mas por preocuparse por mi sabe lo que me haria mas feliz en este momento es tener a mi hijo aca conmgio no se imagina mi corazon como permanece triste por su ausencia, lo de mi madre yo se que podria venir pero yo igual tengo que enviar para sus gaastos el apartamento no es mio yo pago una renta claro los gastos son menores si juan esta a mi lado

    lo menos que deseo es que usted se sienta mal por mi forma de ser, no tomes las cosas tan a la ligera mi hijo le quedan solo hasta el 14 de junio de vacaciones, lo del pasaje espera yo te defino manana temprano ok un abrazo

    Thank you in advance for any help

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Need some help please

    Thanks one more time for worrying about me. (Someone or you/formally) knows that what would make me happy at this point in time would be to have my son here with me. You can't imagine how sad my heart stays because he isn't here. About my mother---I know she could come but I also know that I have to send money for her expenses. The apartment isn't mine, I pay rent. Obviously the expenses are less if Juan is at my side.

    The last thing I want is that you feel bad about the way that I am. Don't take things so lightly. My son only has vacation until the 14th of June. I'm still waiting to find out about the ticket. I'll let you know early tomorrow. A hug.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Need some help please

    Thanks once again for worrying about me. You know that what would make me happiest at this moment is to have my son here with me. You cannot imagine my heart, how it stays permanently sad due to his absence. Concerning my mother, I know that she could have come, but i am equally aware that I have to send for her expenses. The apartment isn't mine: I pay rent. But of course the expenses are less if Juan is at my side.

    The least that I want is that you feel bad for my current state, don't take things so lightly. My son stays on vacation only until June 14th. About the ticket, just wait and I will tell you about it early tomorrow, ok? A hug [a pretty common way to close a letter to a friend]

    There were a few parts I wasnt positive on, especially because I am not a native speaker and the lack of punctuation threw me. If anyone else can give a better translation please do
    Last edited by dw428; 06-30-2010 at 11:38 PM.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Need some help please

    You folks are great. This forum is so valuable!

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