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Thread: que sufran

  1. #1
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    Default que sufran

    Quiero expresar lo siguiente en ingles:

    Problemas interesantes asociados a la dinámica de estos fluidos son por un lado el desarrollo de una teoria asi como de herramientas numéricas y de simulación para la predicción del comportamiento de este tipo de fluidos, y por otro lado el estudio de las inestabilidades que sufran en su flujo, tanto en su interior como en su interfase.

    Aqui esta mi intento, pero tengo dudas a partir de "... y por otro lado ...":

    Interesting problems associated with the dynamics of these fluids are on the one hand the development of an analytical theory as well as a numerical and simulation description for the prediction of the behavior of this kind of fluids, and on the other hand the study of the instabilities that they suffer in its flow, both in its interior and in its interface.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: que sufran

    Mi intento:

    Interesting problems associated with the dynamics of these fluids are, on the one hand, the development of a theory as well as numerical tools (formulas?) and simulations for predicting the behavior of this kind of fluid, and on the other hand, the study of instabilities in the flow, both in the interior and at its interface.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: que sufran

    "Interesting problems associated with the dynamics of these fluids are on one hand the development of an analytical theory and model for the prediction of their behavior and on the other hand the study of the instabilities in their flow, both in their interior and exterior.

    Estas cambias mejorar su frase mucho, pero sólo debe usar “on one hand…on the other hand” si quiere contrastar dos cosas, pero parece que simplemente quiere enumerar los problemas asociados a la dinámica de los fluidos (corríjame si me equivoco). En ese caso, debe escribir:

    "The following interesting problems are associated with the dynamics of these fluids: (1) the development of an analytical theory and model for the prediction of their behavior, and (2) the study of the instabilities in their flow both in their interior and exterior"

    Funciona bien sin los números, pero pienso que hacen su frase mas clara.

    Por favor disculpe mi español…hace solo un año y media que lo aprendo. Sin embargo soy ingeniero y he escrito muchos informes académicos en inglés.
    Last edited by dw428; 06-29-2010 at 12:59 AM.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: que sufran

    Quote Originally Posted by dw428
    "Interesting problems associated with the dynamics of these fluids are on one hand the development of an analytical theory and model for the prediction of their behavior and on the other hand the study of the instabilities in their flow, both in their interior and exterior.
    Great contribution from an expert! However, I might make some remarks on the punctuation as follows,
    "Interesting problems associated with the dynamics of these fluids are, on one hand, the development of an analytical theory and model for the prediction of their behavior; and, on the other hand, the study of instabilities in their flow, both within and at their outer interface."

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