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Thread: Help to turn a phrase

  1. #1
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    Default Help to turn a phrase

    Part of the translation I'm doing has this sentence about an admired writer. I understand the concept being expressed, but does anyone have any ideas about producing a well turned sentence in English. Many thanks

    En él, ese abstracción que representa el fiel de la balanza aspira a ser el mejor fruto de la condición humana, la natural vocación de cualquier sociedad digna.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Help to turn a phrase

    Esto parece traducción por computadora, favor de corregir la redacción del español antes de proceder con la traducción.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Help to turn a phrase

    The text is taken from a book published in Spain and must be translated as is. The context may clarify things. The author is describing the reason why he admires the author in question. This quote follows a list of other reasons.

  4. #4
    Contributing User gise1984's Avatar
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    Default Re: Help to turn a phrase

    I'm finding it difficult to translate it, but still this is an answer to sjade. I believe that even though the spanish phrase is not correct (it has some mistakes) you should still give it a try... I mean, it doesn't have to be perfect for you to understand it... I've come across some serious writing mistaked (i.e. text messages...) and I've been able to translate them just fine... It's just a matter of giving it a try and thinking a little bit 'outside of the box' as one might say... =)

    And andedd, I'm trying to translate it for you, but I'm a beginner :$ so it's giving me a hard time! But I'm working on it!!

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Help to turn a phrase

    The fiel is the pointer of the balance that marks when it is in balance. I'd guess that here, abstracción is preoccupation, but more context would help. And gise1984, English still worries me, and it's my first language. When writers are being poetic and metaphorical - as this assuredly is - they can totally lose me in any language. Try the song "Ojalá" by Silvio Rodriguez. If you get it figured out, you're way ahead of me.
    Last edited by gernt; 12-15-2009 at 10:01 PM.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Help to turn a phrase

    Quote Originally Posted by andedd
    Part of the translation I'm doing has this sentence about an admired writer. I understand the concept being expressed, but does anyone have any ideas about producing a well turned sentence in English. Many thanks

    En él, ese abstracción que representa el fiel de la balanza aspira a ser el mejor fruto de la condición humana, la natural vocación de cualquier sociedad digna.

    Es indudable, esta muy mal redactado en español. y no tiene claro el sentido, creo que falta la palabra "equilibrio", no puedo ayudarlo en inglés, pero intento darle sentido a esa frase en español y quizas alguien pueda traducirla mejor.


    En él, esa abstracción que representa el fiel equilibrio de la balanza aspira a ser el mejor fruto de la condición humana, la natural vocación de cualquier sociedad digna.
    Last edited by Kronos; 12-15-2009 at 11:05 PM.

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