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Thread: Please help me translate mex spanish to english entire text

  1. #1
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    Default Please help me translate mex spanish to english entire text

    I need help, I meet a girl in mexico but I think she does not feel the same about me but I have only been learning Spanish for a month now and since she texts me in shorthand and slang it is very hard for me to decipher these messages correctly. I appreciate any help anyone can give me:

    K 1:37am Kien te digo eso. algiuen que no me kiere

    K 1:31am Ay Rick

    K 1:00am Mas de lo ke te imaginas. Pero todo mundo se mete en lo ke no le coresponde no ce ke tanto te cuentan.

    K 11:46pm Ok te miro es lo mirmo te veo claro es perfecto

    K 9:15pm Nada si ni te e mirado

    K 9:00pm Que haces cuando te ve6. (<-yes that is correct she sent "ve6")

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Please help me translate mex spanish to english entire text

    -Kien te digo eso. algiuen que no me kiere: Who told you that? Someone who doesn't love me.

    -Ay Rick: O, Rick / Come on, Rick / Ouch, Rick / My, Rick (depending on the context)

    - Mas de lo ke te imaginas. Pero todo mundo se mete en lo ke no le coresponde no ce ke tanto te cuentan: More than you can imagine. But people don't mind their own business. I don't know what / how much you've been told.

    - Ok te miro es lo mirmo te veo claro es perfecto: OK. I look at you. I see you clear. It's perfect.

    - Nada si ni te e mirado: Nothing. I haven't even looked at you.

    - Que haces cuando te ve6: What do you do when I look at you? / What are you doing? When shall I see you?

  3. #3
    Contributing User gise1984's Avatar
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    Default Re: Please help me translate mex spanish to english entire text

    Hi again!
    I agree with humleveien in the first few messages, but here's what I think about the other ones:

    K 9:15pm Nada si ni te e mirado: Nothing, I haven't even seen you

    K 9:00pm Que haces cuando te ve6. (<-yes that is correct she sent "ve6"): What are you doing? When will I see you? (the "6" is just because that word is spelled "veo" and the "o" on the cellphone is in number 6 =)

    K 11:46pm Ok te miro es lo mirmo te veo claro es perfecto: I'm having some troubles with this one, I guess it depends on what you sent first, but I'm guessing she meant something like "Ok, I see you (meaning "I understand you"), it's the same (here she could've meant "whatever", but again, it depends on what you said...), I understand... Perfect".

    Does this make any sense to you?

  4. #4
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    Default Completed: Please help me translate mex spanish to english entire text

    Ok here is the entire text message conversation translated:
    I get the feeling that were on two different planets:

    K> Who told you that? Someone who doesn't love me.

    R 1:34am R> No more games, then anything in you heart at all.

    K 1:31am K> Come on / Ouch Rick
    R 1:22am I feel in love with you but that does not matter any more because you do not love me.

    K> More than you can imagine. But people don't mind their own business.I don't know what/how much you've been told.
    R> No more games respond to my questions, What am I to you?

    K>"Ok, "I understand you", "whatever", I understand... Perfect".
    R> Your Spanish is no good, "ve6" es no significance for me.

    K> Nothing, I haven't even seen you
    R> It was great to hear your sweet voice made my day yesterday but that was you mean?

    K> What are you doing? When will I see you?

  5. #5
    Contributing User gise1984's Avatar
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    Default Re: Please help me translate mex spanish to english entire text

    Ohhhhhh!! Now I get it... She was explainig why she said "ve6", she said that "miro" and "veo" are the same, and that she just made a mistake... And I think that the "claro es perfecto" means something like "sure, it's perfect". I have two options here. She either thought that YOU said that YOUR spanish is ot good, so she said it's perfect, or she's trying to tell you that HER spanish IS perfect...

    That's why context is so important!

    Hope this helps and good luck!!

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Please help me translate mex spanish to english entire text

    Please help me translate mex spanish to english entire text

    Kien te digo eso. algiuen que no me kiere

    I wasn&#180;t aware that Mexican spanish the word want was spelled kiero in spanish it is spelled quiero

    K 1:00am Mas de lo ke te imaginas. Pero todo mundo se mete en lo ke no le coresponde no ce ke tanto te cuentan.


    this is some lame spanish for you.

  7. #7
    Contributing User gise1984's Avatar
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    Default Re: Please help me translate mex spanish to english entire text

    You OBVIOUSLY don't speak spanish and you are not aware at all of how young people write text messages now...

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Please help me translate mex spanish to english entire text

    ROFL! - but seriously, texting abbreviations are now very much a part of both languages. They can't be dismissed. There are plenty of dictionaries such as http://www.cabinas.net/mensajes_sms_...onario_sms.asp and http://www.innocentenglish.com/news/...ing-slang.html . No matter what my English teacher said, "ain't" most assuredly was and is an important word as is "hubieron". All these abbreviations now carry the same weight as any other word.
    Last edited by gernt; 12-13-2009 at 09:12 PM.

  9. #9
    Contributing User gise1984's Avatar
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    Default Re: Please help me translate mex spanish to english entire text

    It happens everywhere, as much as we hate it... People just don't take the time to really WRITE a message, they always seem to be in a hurry, so they can't take the time to write a complete sentence or even a word... But, still, it's not something that we can change, it's something that we have to "deal with"... :P

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Please help me translate mex spanish to english entire text

    I recommend a book called Our Magnificent Bastard Tongue by John McWhorter for an interesting perspective (one I happen to agree with) on the natural and inevitable evolution of languages. He's a very entertaining writer.

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