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Thread: One hand washing the other

  1. #1
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    Default One hand washing the other


    I am an aspiring Spanish/English translator and am in graduate school for a certificate in translation. I am looking for someone in a similar situation whose native language is Spanish. I am a native English speaker but speak Spanish and Portuguese.

    I would be willing to review your translations if you would review mine. I have very good English grammar skills. I have an undergraduate degree in Spanish and I studied in Spain during college and have lived in Latin America.

    Sometimes I just need someone to do a quick review for Spanish grammar (my Spanish spelling is pretty good). I would be willing to do the same for a Spanish speaking translator.

    If any interest, please let me know.



  2. #2
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    Default Re: One hand washing the other

    I'm still a student, but feel free to contact me if you'd like to I'm a native spanish speaker getting through Translation from english to spanish.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: One hand washing the other

    Dear Trapzilla,

    I get your drift, I'm a native spanish speaker and have been speaking english since I can remember.
    I started out translating for friends (Engineers, Doctors, Lawyers, students and so on) who asked for my help.
    Keep this in mind, there was no internet or computers when I was young, well, not like today anyway.
    Long story short I became an english teacher and after all these years I finally enroled to get a degree.
    Don't get me wrong, during all these years I kept on researching and learning by myself teaching skills (thank God for ebooks), translation skills and sorts due to the lack of options available until recently.

    Helping you out will help me evaluate my own spanish skills as thoroughly as I will evaluate yours.

    So, count me in.

    Mario Verber

  4. #4
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    Default Re: One hand washing the other

    ¡Hola trapzilla2002! // Oi trapzilla2002! // Hi trapzilla2002!

    Me encantó tu propuesta. Mi idioma nativo es español y también soy bilingüe en portugués brasileño. // Adorei sua proposta. Minha língua mãe é o espanhol e também sou bilíngüe em português brasileiro. // I loved your proposal. My native language is Spanish and I'm also bilingual in Brazilian Portuguese.
    Puedes contactarme a traves de mi blog que aparece en mi perfil personal. // Pode me contatar através de meu blog que aparece no meu perfil pessoal. // You can contact me through my blog that appears in my personal profile.

    ¡Muchas gracias! // Muito obrigada! // Thanks a lot!

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