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Thread: Can some fine individual please translate this section of a email for me?

  1. #1
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    Default Can some fine individual please translate this section of a email for me?

    Hello all,

    I'm new to this forum and have gave a brief explanation of needing your assistances in the welcome forum. Basically i went to Cancun, met a lovely lady but the language barrier is an obstacle(one in which we both are looking to overcome) so if someone could please be so kind as to tell me what the following translates to in English i would be very thankful.

    "Regresándome a lo dela temperatura… Cómo esta allá? Esta frio?
    Estoy de acuerdo debes de aprender a hablar español, hahaha, solo tú, a ver, cuéntame, cómo es el libro de español que compraste? Mira, por eso te escribo en español, como soy buena maestra, te estoy enseñando a comprender mi idioma, y tu a la vez me enseñas ingles al escribirme en este idioma.

    Uuuuuuuuuuh que serio eres en tu rutina mi cielo!!!!! Y como van los cuadritos del abdomen? Hahahah ya te dije que así me pareces perfecto, no cambies mucho ok?

    La verdad no tengo ningún plan para este fin de semana, esperaba que me hicieras un invitación, hahaha
    Si me conecto al msn? Si todos los días. A caso esto es una cita? Nuestra primer cybercita? Hahaha pero dime, una noche? Tuya o mía? Acuérdate que las horas varían. Tu dime a qué hora, (que sea en tu horario)

    Y si me acuerdo cuando te conocí… pues la verdad pensé que tenías mi número registrado y que si no me habías hablado era porque no te había interesado. Pero necesitaba confirmarlo así que te mande un mensaje, lástima que no lo hice antes.

    Claro que estoy sola! Mira soy una chava muy seria respecto eso, jamás te mentiría si tuviera a alguien conmigo y mucho menos si tuviera hijos. Y pues no sé porque no tengo a nadie, creo que no estoy tan bonita como dices hahaha ya que no tengo ni novio

    En este momento debes estas durmiendo, espero que tengas lindos sueños!!!!!!
    Hasta mañana espero que al leer este mensaje hayas despertado bien y que hayas descansado mucho mejor!!!
    Bueno me despido ya me voy a dormir!!!!!

    Pd. Quisiera que me contaras como te va en tu trabajo. Ah y también en tu escuela!!!!!
    Mil besos!!!!!"

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Can some fine individual please translate this section of a email for me?

    Now, listen, you tell her someone else translated this for you. Then, when it's screwed up, you can blame me, likely because I didn't spend much time on it.

    Back to the temperature, how is it there? Cold?

    I agree you ought to learn Spanish, ha, ha, only you, let’s see, tell me, how is the Spanish book you bought? Look, for that reason, I’m writing in Spanish, like a good teacher, I’m teaching you to understand my language. And you, at the same time, are teaching me English, writing me in that language.

    Uh, how serious you are in your regimen, love. And how’s the six-pack (of muscles) coming. Ha, ha, I already told you that you seem perfect, don’t change too much, OK?

    The truth is I don’t have a plan for this weekend, I’d hoped you give me an invitation, ha, ha. If I connect to MSN? Every day. So is that a date? Our first cyberdate? But tell me, one night? Your place or mine? Don’t forget the time difference. You tell me what time (in your time zone).

    And remind me when you know… honest, I thought you had my number written down and that the reason you hadn’t spoken was because you were not interested. But I had to confirm it, so that I sent you a message, pity I didn’t do it earlier.

    Sure I’m alone! Look, I’m a serious lass as far as that’s concerned, I’d never lie to you if I were to have someone with me and much less if I had children. And well, I don’t know why I have no one, I guess I’m not as beautiful as you say seeing as how I don’t have a boyfriend.

    Right now, you must be sleeping. I hope you have sweet dreams! Until tomorrow, I’ll hope you wake up having rested much better.

    I’m signing off since I’m going to bed!

    PS. I’d like you to tell me how things are at work, and also at school.

    A thousand kisses.
    Last edited by gernt; 09-24-2009 at 01:02 PM.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Can some fine individual please translate this section of a email for me?

    You are a legend Gernt. I really appreciate that. It actually makes complete sense now. I do hope you will not grow tiresome with me coming back to this forum for help as I know come tomorrow there will be another I need help with no doubt. Thanks again amigo.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Can some fine individual please translate this section of a email for me?

    Hello again :-)

    Can somebody please translate this most recent email i have received from my said Mexican lady? I would like to say a big thank you in advance. It is as folllows:

    Hola mi príncipe London
    Hoy tuve un excelente día, gracias y tú? Espero que te haya ido bien en tu escuela, ya aprendiste a componer relojes? Espero que sí.
    Pues si disfruto mi trabajo per hay días que hasta quiero ahorcar a los niños hahaha pero me contengo.

    Mi escuela no es grande al contrario es muy pequeña, cuenta con solo seis grados, la biblioteca, y la dirección, pero también se encuentra preescolar, que son solo dos salones pequeños, ya te imaginaras que tan pequeñas es la escuela. Y gracias a dios no he tenido problemas con nadie y eso que soy un copo estricta y se supone que los padre de familia son muy agresivos con los maestros como yo, hahaha pero no ha surgido ningún problema, es mas hasta las madres de familia me apoyan y yo si les hablo fuerte a los niños delante de sus papás, pero solo cuando se portan mal o no quieren trabajar, porque varios niños ven llegar a la mama y creen que así pueden hacer lo que sea en el salón como levantarse a jugar cuando no han terminado el trabajo o solamente por ir a ver de que estamos hablando su mama y yo. Y eso no se los permito. Y ya me conocen las mamas que así soy creo que es por eso que no tengo problemas.

    Y hoy amaneció mas agradable el día, un poco frio. Claro que me acuerdo de Bulldog.
    De verdad es frio en Londres? Cuál es la máxima temperatura a la que llegan?

    Bueno mañana hablamos de eso, se me hace buena hora a las 6 creo que si voy a poder, no creo salir a esa hora. Pero tú te desvelarías, no importa? Si es así, bueno.

    Entonces tienes un gran repertorio para aprender español, y dime no conoces a alguien allá que sepa español? Me agrada que hagas eso para poder comunicarte conmigo, eso te hace obtener puntos extras.

    Cuéntame de tu familia, dices que tu hermano te estaba apresurando? El va contigo al curso? Les has contado de mi?

    Me preguntaste ayer si tenía novio, pero dime, tú sales con alguien? Se sincero.
    Porque yo lo soy.

    Bueno te dejo y espero que mañana podamos escribirnos ok baby?

    Besos y abrazos

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Can some fine individual please translate this section of a email for me?

    She sounds like a nice lady. I can speak for no one else, but I’d guess if you want to continue communicating, this forum is not your answer. Also, a book on Spanish is not going to cut it. The place to start would be an inexpensive (note the inexpensive part - the very expensive ones guarantee nothing) introduction to Spanish CD that you can play in the background. Just as long as you really know what is being said, you don’t have to pay too much attention to it. Play it in your vehicle. After about 20 times, it sinks in for good.

    In the meantime, let her know you cannot read her letters. I suspect she can write them in English.

    I get confronted when I suggest this, but online automated translators are free. It is true they make more errors than real translation, so you have to understand you can’t take it at face value. Still, I feel they’re better than nothing – not all agree.

    Now, you London prince you: her school is tiny, just two rooms. It’s a lot of trouble, but the mothers help her. She remembers Bulldog. What’s your temperature like there? Tomorrow you talk, 6 is early, but OK. There isn’t anyone there who would know Spanish? You asked her if she was seeing anyone, now you have to tell her if you are. Be sincere, because she is. (That last part is not really exactly what it says, but I feel justified in adding it).
    Last edited by gernt; 09-25-2009 at 12:19 PM.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Can some fine individual please translate this section of a email for me?

    I understand this forum is not the way forward with regard to her but i was at my tether and really wanted a understanding of what she was saying as opposed to the mixed up jumbled translation i was getting with the free translaters(although they have been a godsend)

    She is a very nice lady, a diamond.

    Thank you very kindly for your reply fella, it is very much appreciated. I am sincere with her, tis not in my nature not to be.

    I have a inexpensive guide on speaking spanish with cds and so forth with it an i am hoping to complete all the side work it sets out and so forth. I really need to just get a grasp of the language of Espanol. in time i hope i shall be able as she is more then worth it aswell of course as me wanting to speak another language for quite some time now anyway.

    Thanks yet again sir, you the man! Have a great weekend sir!

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