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Thread: Need help with a text message

  1. #1
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    Default Need help with a text message

    This text message has me stumped because there's a "no" in it. Otherwise, it would make perfect sense as a reply to what I previously sent.

    Porque si no te doy calor hasta que te incendiaras.

    I know it's a little "flirty".

    Thank you!

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Need help with a text message

    Porque si no te doy calor hasta que te incendiaras.
    Apparently there's a comma missing in the original.
    The original could be: Porque si no, te doy calor hasta que te incendiaras.
    Translation: Because if not (otherwise), I'll give you heat 'till you catch fire.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Need help with a text message

    You're right - thank you! I can't believe how long it took me to figure out that the no went with the si. A comma would have solved everything. I was going to delete my question once I got it, but then I couldn't figure out how to delete it.

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