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Thread: Cartoon about the translation profession

  1. #1
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    Smile Cartoon about the translation profession

    Published by ForeignExchange Translations on Saturday, May 9, 2009 at 7:25 AM This is really cool: Mox's blog posts cartoon about the translation profession.

    Written by Alejandro Moreno-Ramos, an Electromechanical Engineer and English-French to Spanish translator, the blog features two strip per week about the trials and tribulations of Mox the translator.

    Highly recommended.

    [Kudos to Translation Tribulation blog for pointing this out.]

    Posted by ForeignExchange Translations

  2. #2
    New Member Elienai's Avatar
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    Default Re: Cartoon about the translation profession

    hahaha, It is very funny...all the time thinking about words, connotations, fields and something very important for us THE TIME!!!!!

  3. #3
    Senior Member Hebe's Avatar
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    Default Re: Cartoon about the translation profession

    LOL -- Great certoon !!!

    Truly, my dear young friends, you are a chosen generation. I hope you will never forget it.
    Gordon B. Hinckley

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