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Thread: traducir una canción... Please help me

  1. #1
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    Arrow traducir una canción... Please help me

    Hola, por favor necesito que me ayuden traduciendo al inglés una bella canción. Es para alguien muy especial que no veo hace mucho tiempo. Ayudenme a traducirla lo mejor posible, estaré muy agradecido.

    Título: ¿Qué será de ti?


    ¿Qué será de ti?
    Necesito saber hoy de tu vida

    alguien que me cuente sobre tus días
    anocheció y necesito saber.

    ¿Qué será de ti?
    Cambiaste sin saber toda mi vida.
    motivo de una paz que ya se olvida,
    no se si piensas tu en mi como yo en ti.

    Ven que esta sed de amarte, me hace bien.
    Yo quiero amanecer contigo amor, te necesito para estar feliz .
    Ven que el tiempo corre y nos separa,
    la vida nos esta dejando atrás,
    yo necesito saber ¿qué será de ti?.

    ¿Qué será de ti?

    Cambiaste sin saber toda mi vida.
    motivo de una paz que ya se olvida,
    No se si piensas tu en mi como yo en ti.

    Ven que esta sed de amarte, me hace bien.
    Yo quiero amanecer contigo amor, te necesito para estar feliz .
    Ven que el tiempo corre y nos separa,
    la vida nos esta dejando atrás,
    yo necesito saber ¿qué será de ti?
    Last edited by per85; 05-05-2009 at 01:47 AM.

  2. #2
    New Member ifg142's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Re: traducir una canción... Please help me

    What will become of you?
    I need to know about you now

    Is there someone that can tell me about your days?
    It got dark and I still need to know

    What will become of you?
    You've changed my whole life without knowing
    the reason for peace already forgotten
    I hope you think of me the way I think of you.

    Please, come. This thirst for love makes me feel well
    I want to wake up next to you, my love. I need you to be happy
    Please, come. Time passes by and separates us
    Life is leaving us behind
    I need to know... what will become of you?

    What will become of you?

    You've changed my whole life without knowing
    the reason for peace already forgotten
    I hope you think of me the way I think of you.

    Please, come. This thirst for love makes me feel well
    I want to wake up next to you, my love. I need you to be happy
    Please, come. Time passes by and separates us
    Life is leaving us behind
    I need to know... what will become of you?

    Bueno, espero que te guste mi versión. Es tarde y estoy bastante cansada pero quería ayudarte con tu canción. Espero que también le guste a la persona a la que va destinada. Mucha suerte!

  3. #3
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    Default Re: traducir una canción... Please help me

    Muchísimas gracias!! Me siento muy feliz, tu ayuda es muy valiosa. Me gustó la traducción y estoy más que seguro que a esta persona le gustará.

    God bless you

  4. #4
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    Default Re: traducir una canción... My shot

    I'm pretty sure this is a composition by Roberto Carlos that was written in Portuguese and then translated into Spanish. I believe I heard it in the 1970s, but I could be wrong. I am aware of the difference between "será" and "sería", but in English the first line sounds better to me as "Whatever became of you?" (past, not future). "What will become of you?" is certainly a possibility, but I will stick to my guns.

    Whatever became of you? (What happened to you?)

    I need to know today about your life
    Someone that can tell me about your days
    Night fell and I need to know.

    Whatever became of you? (What happened to you?)
    Unknowingly you changed my whole life
    The reason for a peace that is now forgotten
    I don't know if you think about me as I think about you
    (In the original, this line is "I don't know if I like/love myself or you more".)

    Come, because this thirst to love you does me good
    I want to awaken with your love, I need you to be happy
    Come, because time is racing and it separates us
    Life is leaving us behind
    I need to know, w
    hatever became of you (what happened to you)

    Whatever became of you? (What happened to you?)
    Unknowingly you changed my whole life
    The reason for a peace that is now forgotten
    I don't know if you think about me as I think about you
    (In the original, this line is "I don't know if I like/love myself or you more".)

    Come, because this thirst to love you does me good
    I want to awaken with your love, I need you to be happy
    Come, because time is racing and it separates us
    Life is leaving us behind
    I need to know, w
    hatever became of you (what happened to you)

  5. #5
    Moderator SandraT's Avatar
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    Default Re: traducir una canción... Please help me

    Hello Thomas! It's exactly as you said. It is by Roberto Carlos and when he asks the question "¿Qué será de ti?" he is really pondering, asking to himself what has happened to her, even if he uses the future he is really meaning the present, or the past...It's like I wonder whatever happened/is happening with you!!!
    the original, as you said too,
    (In the original, this line is "I don't know if I like/love myself or you more".)
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  6. #6
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    Default Re: traducir una canción... Please help me

    I love this song!!! And yes, it is Roberto Carlos.
    I agree with Thomas and Sandra, he is not asking about the future. He is just wondering what has happened all this time to the girl he still loves and yearns for.

  7. #7
    Forum User Wolfgang's Avatar
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    Default Re: traducir una canción... Please help me

    That takes me back. I remember we used to have arguments about the meaning of this phrase:

    Quote Originally Posted by per85
    Ven que el tiempo corre y nos separa,
    If you listen to it without the benefit of the written lyrics, it can either be interpreted as:

    El tiempo corre y no se para


    El tiempo corre y nos separa

    Looking at the lyrics now, I can see I was right .

  8. #8
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    Default Re: traducir una canción... Please help me

    Vem, que o tempo pode afastar nós dois
    Não deixe tanta vida pra depois
    Eu só preciso saber
    Como vai você

    If you will note in the original lyrics, it says "Come, because time can separate us."

  9. #9
    Forum User Wolfgang's Avatar
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    Default Re: traducir una canción... Please help me

    Quote Originally Posted by Thomas
    Vem, que o tempo pode afastar nós dois
    Não deixe tanta vida pra depois
    Eu só preciso saber
    Como vai você

    If you will note in the original lyrics, it says "Come, because time can separate us."
    There's no ambiguity in the Portuguese original though ....thus nothing to argue about. In Roberto Carlo's singing there was the added element that Spanish wasn't his native tongue and some wondered whether the lack of certainty in the interpretation of that phrase was due to that. I don't think it is. It's still ambiguous when sung by a native speaker simply because in singing you don't have the luxury of making the slight stop between 'nos' and 'separa'.

  10. #10
    Senior Member Hebe's Avatar
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    Default Re: traducir una canción... Please help me

    It’s a very nostalgic song indeed. I agree with all of you. The phrase “¿que será de ti?” does not imply a question about the future. He (the singer) is wondering about the whereabouts of someone he obviously misses.
    Also, the original version does not go “no se si piensas tu en mi como yo en ti”. I’m not sure but I think the original version goes “no se si busco mas de mi o mas de tí”, which means I don’t know if I am searching more for myself or searching more for you”

    As for the ambiguity, I also believe that the oriignal goes "tiempo corre y nos separa" (time goes by fast and turns us apart)

    Hope this helps

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