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Thread: can anyone translate from this art piece?

  1. #11
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    Default Re: can anyone translate from this art piece?

    Well from a strict point of view, reading this stuff would seem pretty odd, but I have been through the old wizards spell book we are not acting out a rite here. We are interpreting some words, reading them is not putting your soul being into some scripture and seeing where it takes you, that is left up each your own ability. People read the bible all the time, but it doesnt turn them all into saints, as such what this tripped out dude was saying is not going to shade some evil omen over me forever for reading it. That is superstition. Intellect has lost control at that point, and guess what... you wake up and everything become clear again.

    In my eyes this is all a form of magic, even as I type this to you.

    Just to trying to dispel some possible fears, but then leaving all possibilities open


  2. #12
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    Default Re: can anyone translate from this art piece?

    If you stare at a puzzle too long, you start seeing patterns that don't exist, but I'm pretty sure after the "and an arrow" is "is man and the woman of". I think that "onbre" is really "hombre".

  3. #13
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    Default Re: can anyone translate from this art piece?

    This is still just a terrible mess, but it is Mexican. That's the one thing I'm reasonably sure about. The word "jicara" gives it away. I was a little embarrassed when it was pointed out that all I had to do was read it out loud to decipher two phrases. I always seem to forget that. Like "como seyaman"? As soon as someone else pronounced it, it was so obvious it was "como se llaman". I mean, duh. The author is José Benitez Sanchez. The very last line is "Silent Walkers". I still do not understand how "iyani" has anything to do with "llorar", but I was assured by two people that it does.

    Los diose tienen vida para entregar espiritud y la diosa abre su mente y su pensa miento y iyoni y forma su cuerpo y su tres mondo los pies y el estomago y su cabeza y su Respiracion La mujer anciana tiene su cuatropuntos cardinales al mondo y un sentro en donde nació y quedo una jicora y una flecha que es ombre y la mujer del anondo asi recono semo a los lugars sagrado y es mienica es su espejo de los diose en donde se conoce y como seyaman de cado uno de los diose.

    The gods have life to deliver spirituality and the goddess opens your mind and thought and tears and forms your body and your third world (?) your feet and your stomach and your head and your breath. The old woman has your four cardinal points to the world and a center which was born and remained a water gourd and an arrow that is man and the woman (delanando?) so, she recognizes me to the places. Sacred and it is (mierica?). It is a mirror of the gods by which you know the name of every one of the gods.
    Last edited by gernt; 05-10-2009 at 09:49 PM.

  4. #14
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    Default Re: can anyone translate from this art piece?

    Oh thank you so much, you did a wonderful job, thank you, thank you, I will pass it along with the art piece. So that other may be able to read from it.

    Good day,


  5. #15
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    Default Re: can anyone translate from this art piece?

    Did you ever play the game Mad Gab? Gernt's comment made me think of it.

    It has cards with things like:

    law sand jealous lay curse
    thirst aim awning
    up he such ease

    and you have to say them out loud with your teammates and guess what the real phrase is. For example, the answer to the first one above is The Los Angeles Lakers. Can you figure the other ones out?

    I thought this game was so funny when I first saw it. For one thing, once people see it spelled one way, they can no longer hear what they are saying. It's so funny to hear people saying something fairly clearly but not hearing that it has meaning. Another reason it's funny is that many of my students write like this and over the years I have gotten good at figuring out what it's supposed to mean.

    Let me know if you want the other answers.

  6. #16
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    Default Re: can anyone translate from this art piece?

    That second one is in South Carolinian.

    But I have another piece of the puzzle. (delanando?) = del mundo = of the world
    Last edited by gernt; 05-11-2009 at 10:04 PM.

  7. #17
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    Default Re: can anyone translate from this art piece?

    I’ve been told this isn’t necessarily from Mexico, and is unlikely to be from central or north Mexico. It could be as far south as El Salvador. I gather “jicara” is used south of the Mexican border, and the dialect south of Mexico is more likely to show deletion of the final s – especially El Salvador.

    Original as best I can make it out:

    Los diose tienen vida para entregar espiritud y la diosa abre su mente y su pensa miento y iyoni y forma su cuerpo y su tres mondo los pies y el estomago y su cabeza y su Respiracion La mujer anciana tiene su cuatropuntos cardinales al mondo y un sentro en donde nació y quedo una jicora y una flecha que es ombre y la mujer del anondo asi recono semo a los lugars sagrado y es mienica es su espejo de los diose en donde se conoce y como seyaman de cado uno de los diose.

    What I think it means in Spanish:

    Los dioses tienen vida para entregar espiritualidad y la diosa abre su mente y sus pensamientos y llori (?) y forma su cuerpo y su tres mundos, los pies y el estomago y su cabeza y su respiración La mujer anciana tiene su cuatro puntos cardinales al mundo y un centro en donde nació y quedó una jícara y una flecha que es hombre y la mujer del mundo. Así reconocemos a los lugares sagrados y es única es su espejo de los dioses en donde se conoce y como se llaman de cado uno de los dioses.

    What I think it means in English:

    The gods have life to deliver spirituality and the goddess opens your mind and thoughts and tears and forms your body and your three worlds, your feet and your stomach and your head and your breath. The old woman has your four compass points of the world and a center which was born and remained a container and an arrow that is man and the woman of the world. Thus we recognize the sacred places. She is the only one, and a mirror by which you know the name of every one of the gods.

    José Benitez Sanchez
    Of the community Virranica
    Zita Kua
    Silent Procession
    Last edited by gernt; 05-20-2009 at 10:59 AM.

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