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Thread: Letter From ad adopted Child

  1. #1
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    Default Letter From ad adopted Child

    Ho to all

    I'm new on this forum.

    I have adopted a child to distance and he send me a letter in his language.

    I don't know if it's spanish, but i think it.

    Can you translate it?


    Thank you very much

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Letter From ad adopted Child

    It looks more like Portuguese to me, can't help you there.

    Hope you find someone who can...

    Good luck!

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Letter From ad adopted Child


    I agree with Saidz, I think the language is Portuguese, cannot help you either.



  4. #4
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    Default Re: Letter From ad adopted Child

    The heading is Italian: "Comments by the Guardian or Representative"

    The bulk of the letter is in Portuguese. Here is the translation. The handwriting is at times illegible or hard to decipher.

    To "Luis Paira"

    "He says that he is in good health along with the whole family. He says that he is part of your family, but that also his mother and uncle are taking care of him. He also says that in the community or in other "zones" the work of the girls is to fetch water, wash the dishes, the clothes [and to cut down?]. He [she?] says that the girls are important in the community because they help out in the [cutting down with machete?...MY COMMENT: SUGAR CANE?] and work in many other chores. He also says that the games the girls play are football (soccer), [basketball?] athletics and dancing [illegible] Macuaela [illegible] and also traditional games.

    MY COMMENT: "Macuaela" is a Mozambiquan dance so your adopted child lives in Mozambique?

    "The child's family [illegible] are very grateful to the child's godfather [likely you] for having sent greetings and best wishes and he also tells me [the guardian] to express his gratitude and to ask his godfather if he could send him a postcard so that he [the child] knows that he has a godfather in Italy."

    Signed: Victorino Duarte

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