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Thread: Check Son's Spanish homework

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    Default Check Son's Spanish homework

    My son is in Spanish 2 and had to write up something for class tomorrow. I don't know Spanish to check it. Can someone read over this and translate it so we know if it makes any sense?
    Thanks! BTW: his handwriting is not the neatest so there may be mispelling due to my misreading his handwriting. I apologize if these errors make it more difficult to translate.

    "Como ya sa ben, voy deviaje. Soy el pasajero. Tengo to do listo. Tengo la identifizacion, el pasaporte y el boleto. Mira mi equipaje. Va a ser un problema. i tengomue his mas e moletas! En el mostrador de la aerolinea. Me van a dar un pase de abordar donde esperar. Losle treros me ayuden a ver a donde il. Tengo qui paser por seguridad. Antes de entrar alderopuerto, todos las personas que vieren de otrospeises tienen que pawar por la aduana. Como yo, todos los pawajanos pasan por un pasillo para aborder el avion. En el avion, la ausiliar de vue lo ayuda a los pasajuros a encontrar sus asiento de ventarillo porque me gusta ver cosas por la ventana! Aqui todos los vuelos llegar al aeropuesto. En una sala, la gante esperes la salida de su vuwlo pere ir a otro destmo. En o tro sala, la gente espera la llegada de un vuelo. Me gusta viajar. Quiero ser piloto algundia."

  2. #2
    JAD is offline
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    Ths is probably a little late, but here's the translation. What i write in parenthesis is how it should be written:

    "Como ya sa ben, voy deviaje. (Como ya saben, voy de viaje)
    Like you already know, i'm going on a trip

    Soy el pasajero.
    I am the passenger

    Tengo to do listo. (Tengo todo listo)
    I have everything ready

    Tengo la identifizacion, el pasaporte y el boleto.
    I have the (my) ID, passport and ticket

    Mira mi equipaje. Va a ser un problema.
    Look at my luggage. It's going to be a problem.

    i tengomue his mas e moletas! (?)
    I don't know what this says - none of these words make sense. It seems like he was trying to say "Y tengo...(?)...maletas!) which means "And I have...(?)...luggage!)

    En el mostrador de la aerolinea.
    At the airline's counter

    Me van a dar un pase de abordar donde esperar.
    They are going to give me a boarding pass where to wait (doesn't fit nicely)

    Losle treros me ayuden a ver a donde il. (Los letreros me ayudan a ver a donde ir)
    The sings help me see (find) where to go. (the conjugation "ayuden" refers to requesting help in the future. It should be "Ayudan" which implies that they presently help him find his way)

    Tengo qui paser por seguridad. (Tengo que pasar...)
    I have to pass through security

    Antes de entrar alderopuerto, (...entrar al aeuropuerto)
    Before entering the airport

    todos las personas que vieren de otrospeises tienen que pawar por la aduana. (Todas las personas que vienen de otros paises tienen que pasar ...)
    All of the persons who come from other countries have to pass through customs

    Como yo, todos los pawajanos pasan por un pasillo para aborder el avion. (...pasajeros...abordar...)
    Like me, all of the passengers pass thorugh a hall (walkway) to board the plane.

    En el avion, la ausiliar de vuelo ayuda a los pasajuros a encontrar sus asiento de ventarillo porque me gusta ver cosas por la ventana!
    Litterally: "In the plane, the flight attendant helps the passengers to find their window seats because i like to see things from the window"

    Aqui todos los vuelos llegar al aeropuesto. (...vuelos llegan al aeuropuerto)
    here, all of the flights arrive at the airport

    En una sala, la gante esperes la salida de su vuwlo pere ir a otro destmo. (...la gente espera....de su vuelo para ir a otro destino)
    In a room, people wait for the departure of their flight to another destination.

    En o tro sala, la gente espera la llegada de un vuelo. (en otra sala...)
    In another room, people wait for the arrival of a flight.

    Me gusta viajar.
    I like to travel

    Quiero ser piloto algundia." (...algun dia)
    I want to be a pilot some day.

    *** I translated it directly whenever possible to give you an idea of how it would sound in spanish. Some parts were choppy, and so i tried to carry the choppiness into english since you said you wanted to see if it made sense. Although he could use some work, the ideas were carried through, for which i commend your son. Good luck!

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    Thank you for doing that. It was a Monday, and things were too busy here for me to give it my attention. When I tried to squeeze it in, I realized you had to guess what the student was trying to say. I decided his teacher was better equipped for the job. But I still felt bad not answering at all.

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