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Thread: solo revisión!!! please!!!!!!!! help me!!!

  1. #1
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    Default solo revisión!!! please!!!!!!!! help me!!!

    Soy un estudiante a nivel basico de ingles... y bueno les ruego encarecidamente a ayudarme con alguna corrección de este pequeño parrafo... hay palabras que no encuentro en el diccionario como pre-grado, etc.... a tdos que ya tienen experiencia en la traduccion... por favor ayuda!!!!

    Los objetivos de la tesis titulada:Nivel de coherencia Interna del Plan Curricular 1993 y Evidencias del mismo en la Promoción 1993, Escuela Profesional de Enfermería; fue determinar el nivel de coherencia interna del plan curricular 1993 y las evidencias del logro de habilidades de las alumnas internas de enfermería promoción 1993.

    El tipo de estudio fue evaluativo, descriptivo, transversal – longitudinal La población muestral estuvo constituido por 14 docentes enfermeros; 12 alumnas internas de enfermería de la promoción 1993; para el análisis documental del Plan Curricular se uso el modelo de análisis diseño curricular planteada por Nacarid Rodriguez por guardar relación con la realidad de la Escuela Profesional Enfermería.

    La información recogida fueron procesados estadísticamente a través de la correlación de Spearman y la Escala de Stand Nine sistematizadas en matrices, tablas y gráficos que permiten la visualización de los resultados, obteniéndose entre otras las conclusiones más releventes:

    1.- El Plan Curricular propuesto, no ha sido elaborado de acuerdo a las consideraciones básicas a nivel macro, meso y micro, causa principal de la deficiencias detectadas, su estructura organizativa curricular no fundamenta los principios básicos de doctrina curricular que imposibilitan la integración de los fundamentos curriculares causa de distorsión, incoherencia e incongruencia a nivel de componentes: proceso elementos y usuarios que conduce a nivel medio coherencia

    2.- El perfil profesional propuesto en el Plan Curricular 1993, fue medianamente definido en las habilidades: Cognitivas, Procedimentales y actitudinales como tal, las evidencias logradas por las alumnas internas fue nivel medio.

    3.- Existen deficiencias en el Plan Curricular 1993, en secuencia, articulación y correspondencia entre componentes y sub componentes, como tal tuvo coherencia a nivel medio
    Plan Curricular, Coherencia Interna, Evidencias, Escuela, Pregrado.

    The objectives of the thesis: “Internal coherence's level of the Plan Curricular 1993 and Evidence of the same in the Promotion 1993, Nursing's Professional School”; Was to identify the internal coherence’s level of the Plan Curricular 1993 and determine the abilities's success of the Promotion's schoolg¡rls 1993

    The kind of study was to evaluate, descriptive, transverse – longitudinal.
    The sample‘s people were constituted for 14 teaching male nurses; 12 nursing interns of the promotion 1993; for the plan curricular analysis, was utilized the technique of the documentary analysis, presented for Nakarid Rodriguez, because it has relation with the reality of the Nursing's Professional School.

    The information was processed statistically, Through Spearman's correlation and Likert’s scale. Systematized in wombs, tie and graphs, that permit the visualization of the results. Obtaining the following conclusions:

    1.The Curricular Plan proposed, has not been elaborated according to the basic elements like: planning, execution and curricular evaluation; in level macro, meso and micro, cause principal of the detected deficiencies, the organizational structure does not establish the basic principles of the curricular doctrine. Making impossible the integration of the curricular fundaments, Cause of distortion, incoherence and incongruence in the components:Process, elements and users that drives to coherence half level.

    2.The Professional Profile Proposed in the Curricular Plan 1993, was defined in the abilities; Cognitive, Procedural and attitudinal, as such, the evidence success for the internal schoolg¡rls is half a level.

    3.There are deficiencies in the Curricular Plan 1993; in Sequence, articulation and correspondence between components and sub components as such it had a coherence half level.

    Curricular Plan, Internal Coherence, Evidence, School, Pre-Grade.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Frank van den Eeden's Avatar
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    Caro Joshua,
    quiero mucho ayudarte, pero debes saber que el texto no es muy claro para mí, no he seguido el curso ...

    The objective of the thesis:
    “Internal coherence level of the Plan Curricular 1993 and Evidence of the same in the Promotion 1993, ProfessionalNursingSchool
    was to determine the internal coherence level of Plan Curricular 1993 and to demonstrate
    the acquired skill of the resident pupils of the nursery course Promotion 1993.

    The type of study was evaluative, descriptive, transversal – longitudinal.
    The sample population was composed of 14 lecturer nurses and 12 resident pupils of nursing promotion 1993.

    For the documental analysis of Plan curricular we use the analysis educational programme designed by Nacarid Rodriguez to maintain connection with the reality of the ProfessionalNursingSchool.

    The information gathered was processed statistically, through the correlation of Spearman and the Lickert scale.

    Systematized in matrixes, charts and graphics that allow the visualization of the results.
    Obtaining among others the most relevant conclusions:

    1.The Curricular Plan proposed, has not been elaborated according to the basic considerations at macro, meso and micro level, main cause of the detected deficiencies.
    Its organizational structure of the educational programme does not support the basic principles of the teaching and educational programme that make impossible the integration of curricular foundations, cause of distortion, incoherence and incongruity regarding components : process of elements and consumers, leading to a level of medium coherence.

    2. The professional profile proposed in the Curricular Plan 1993,
    was averagely defined in the dexterities : Cognitive, procedural and attitude as such.
    The acquired results for the resident pupils were level Medium.

    3. There are deficiencies in The Curricular Plan 1993 ;
    in sequence, articulation and conformity between components and sub components,
    as such it had a medium level coherence.

    Curricular Plan, Internal Coherence, Evidence, School, Pre-Grade.
    beste groeten - sincères salutations - kindest regards - atentamente - mit freundlichen Grüßen

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