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Thread: I need help on what this means... its for school!

  1. #1
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    Exclamation I need help on what this means... its for school!

    Paz e o eu quiero comigo. Felicidade para meu coracao. Quero viver como vivem os livios. Elevo a Deus, esta minha cancao. Quero so sentir harmonia transmitir alegria so bondade ofertar. Quiero que meu tempo na Terra seja dado a todos amar. Eu quiero que a dor nao exsista que a vida floresca vendo o amor triunfar. Queiro ver feliz a crianca ver a luz da esperanca neste mundo brilhar.

    If you could help me out by telling me what this says i would really appreciate it. Thanks so much....

  2. #2
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    I´m afraid this is not Spanish, but Portuguese, my friend

  3. #3
    Ali is offline
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    I translated to you...

    Peace it’s what I want with me. Happiness for my heart. I want to live like the “livios” live. I offer this song to God. I want to only feel harmony, transmit happiness and only offer goodness. I want all my time on the Earth to be to give love to everyone. want that the pain doesn't exist, that life blooms when see the love winning. I want to see the happy child seeing the light of hope shining in this world.

    The only thing that I didn't understand was "Livios". The only thing that seems similar to me is the flower named Lírios.


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