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Thread: Is this correct?

  1. #1
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    Default Is this correct?

    Can someone confirm my translation is correct ... thanks

    "siento tanto demora de mis correos pero estoy trabajando sin parar para poder reumir dinero para lo que quiero hacer pero no te preocupes que yo soy joven, es bueno saber que vienes en junio yo en cuanto logre coger un dia libre saco mi pasaporte pienso que ya debo tenerlo, es bueno saber que en el poco tiempo que llevamos de conocernos entiendas mis pensamientos sentimientos y mis deceos en la vida y que me ayudes a realizarlos, se que lo unico que nos sepàra de lograr todo es el tiempo pero el como ves pasa rapido y ya pronto estaras aqui"

    Sorry for so much delay in my letters but I'm working nonstop to save money for what I want but do not worry because I am young. It's good to know that you are coming in June. As soon as I can manage to take a day off, I will get my passport and I think that I must already have it. It's good to know that in the short time we took to get to know each other, you understand my thoughts, feelings and my desires in life and that you will help me achieve them. I know that the only thing separating us from achieving everything is time, but as you see it will pass quickly and soon you will already be here.

  2. #2
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Good news and...good luck!!

    It's good to know that in the short time we have known each other

  3. #3
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    Thanks exxcéntrica. As always I really appreciate the help

  4. #4
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    My pleasure, A5

  5. #5
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    These are my changes...but you don't have to worry too much!

    Sorry for so much delay in my letters, but I'm working nonstop to save money for what I want. Don't worry, though, because I'm young. It's good to know that you are coming in June. As soon as I can manage to take a day off, I will get my passport and I think that I should already have it. It's good to know that in the short time that we know each other, you understand my thoughts, feelings and my desires in life and that you will help me achieve them. I know that the only thing separating us from achieving everything is time, but as you see it will pass quickly and soon you will be here.

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