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Thread: Traslate a card for me.....

  1. #1
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    Default Traslate a card for me.....

    I seen this card at the card store and was wondering what it said. I want to make sure its appropriate to give to my g/f, she is hispanic, but I want to make sure of what its saying before doing so.... any help with the translation would be great.... Here goes this is what it says...

    Si tedigo
    que significa tanto
    ver tu sonrisa,
    sentir tu caricia-
    espero que sepas
    que trato de demostrar
    que eres todopara mi

    Si te digo
    que me he devertido
    que me ha encantado
    todo lo que hemos hecho
    espero que sepas
    que trato de demonstrar
    que no podria
    estar mas feliz

    Si te digo
    que en el fondo de mi ser
    siento un orgullo especial-
    espero que sepas
    que trato de demostrar
    que todos mis suenos
    se han hecho realidad

    Espero que sepas
    que por medio
    de todos mis
    gestos y palabras
    trato de demostrar
    que te amo
    mas que nunca,
    mas que a nadie,
    y te quiero hacer
    feliz siempre.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Frank van den Eeden's Avatar
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    Si te digo If I tell you
    que significa tanto
    that it means so much
    ver tu sonrisa, to see your smile
    sentir tu caricia-
    to feel your caress
    espero que sepas I hope you know
    que trato de demostrar that I try to show
    que eres todo para mi
    that you are everything to me

    Si te digo if I tell you
    que me he divertido that I have enjoyed
    que me ha encantado
    that I was pleased with
    todo lo que hemos hecho
    all what we have done
    espero que sepas I hope you know
    que trato de demonstrar
    that I try to show
    que no podria that I could not be
    estar mas feliz happier still

    Si te digo
    if I tell you
    que en el fondo de mi ser that deep within me
    siento un orgullo especial- I feel a special pride
    espero que sepas
    I hope you know
    que trato de demostrar that I try to show
    que todos mis suenos that all my dreams
    se han hecho realidad
    have come true

    Espero que sepas I hope you know
    que por medio that by means
    de todos mis
    of all my
    gestos y palabras gestures and words
    trato de demostrar I try to show
    que te amo that I love you
    mas que nunca,
    more than ever
    mas que a nadie,
    more than anyone else
    y te quiero hacer and that I want to make you
    feliz siempre.
    happy for ever.
    Last edited by Frank van den Eeden; 05-04-2008 at 07:57 AM.
    beste groeten - sincčres salutations - kindest regards - atentamente - mit freundlichen Grüßen

  3. #3
    New Member
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    Thank You so much for your time....it is greatly appreciated Ben

  4. #4
    Contributing User
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    wow, nicely done! sometimes translating things like that comes out awkward, but your English version is quite good!

  5. #5
    Senior Member Frank van den Eeden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by justinb
    wow, nicely done! sometimes translating things like that comes out awkward, but your English version is quite good!
    beste groeten - sincčres salutations - kindest regards - atentamente - mit freundlichen Grüßen

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