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Thread: Help with a mail: Spanish to English

  1. #1
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    Default Need Help with a translation

    Hi, I have been learning spanish and communicating with a good friend using a translator and my limited knowledge. I got a long message from him but there is one part I cannot understand - the translation is not working well! Any help is appreciated, I want to know what he is trying to tell me:

    mi amor la verdad a ti no ye deven de interesar los problemas de mi familia

    pero le doy las gracias por el dinero que me mando porque faltan 6dias para que mi papa cobre y ya no teniamos comida ni nada de eso y gracias a ese dinero compramos comida

    por eso no me an cortado el interned

    la berdad te agradesco todo lo que as hecho por mi

  2. #2
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    mi amor la verdad a ti no ye deven de interesar los problemas de mi familia
    My love, you should not be concerned about my family problems.

    pero le doy las gracias por el dinero que me mando porque faltan 6dias para que mi papa cobre y ya no teniamos comida ni nada de eso y gracias a ese dinero compramos comida
    But thank you for the money that you sent because my dad doesn't get paid for 6 more days and we didn't have any food or anything and thanks to that money we bought food.

    por eso no me an cortado el interned
    And that is why they haven't cut the internet.

    la berdad te agradesco todo lo que as hecho por mi
    Thank you for everything you have done for me


  3. #3
    Senior Member mem286's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sarab
    mi amor la verdad a ti no te deben de interesar los problemas de mi familia
    My love, you should not be concerned about my family problems.

    pero le doy las gracias por el dinero que me mandaste porque faltan 6 días para que mi papá cobre y ya no teníamos comida ni nada de eso y gracias a ese dinero compramos comida
    But thank you for the money that you sent because my dad doesn't get paid for 6 more days and we didn't have any food or anything and thanks to that money we bought food.

    por eso no me han cortado internet
    And that is why they haven't cut the internet.

    la verdad te agradezco todo lo que has hecho por mi
    Thank you for everything you have done for me

    Hi! Sarab's translation is perfect. I corrected the original letter's mistakes... I think that's why you could't get a proper translation from a machine.

  4. #4
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    the 'verdad' 's i don't understand, I thought that meant truth... but it's not in the translation. This language is complicated ... oh and my dictionary says "cobre" means copper..... *confused*

    Yes I keep telling him to watch his spelling, I'm not good enough for that yet! .. I understood most of the words but had no idea what he meant overall. I appreciate your help!
    Last edited by krispity6; 04-15-2008 at 12:40 AM.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by krispity6

    the 'verdad' 's i don't understand, I thought that meant truth... but it's not in the translation. This language is complicated ... oh and my dictionary says "cobre" means copper..... *confused*

    Yes I keep telling him to watch his spelling, I'm not good enough for that yet! .. I understood most of the words but had no idea what he meant overall. I appreciate your help!

    You are right about verdad. Literally the sentences with verdad say: "The truth you shouldn't be interested in my family's problems." and "The truth I appreciate everything you have done for me" but sarab and mem286 translated so that you got the true context of what he was saying to you, not the literal wording which does not always translate well. That's a good thing to remember when you are studying your Spanish.

    I should add that "la verdad" is used by some people to begin a sentence much the same way as we do with "really".

    And cobre the noun does mean copper but cobrar the verb means many things (look it up and you'll learn something new ); among them: "to be paid".

    Good luck!
    Last edited by vicente; 04-15-2008 at 01:53 AM.

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